HCH 191
Text Information
- Siglum
- HCH 191
- Transliteration
l ġṯ bn hnʾ ḏ- ʾl ʿmrt w ts²wq l- kll ʿs²r ṣdq
- Translation
By Ġṯ son of Hnʾ of the lineage of ʿmrt and he longed for all the righteous kinsmen
- Language and Script
- Safaitic
- Apparatus Criticus
- HCH: the last part ts²wq l- kll ʿrf ṣdq[nh] w dbq "and he longed for every acquaintance among his friends and he was attached to them". JMAA XIII p. 122-123: ts²wq l kllg ġr ṣlq -l---dbq "he longed for kllg [who] deceived". JSafN 33 p.45: "dbq at the end cannot be translated for at least 3 letters are missing in the context which immediately precedes the word". MNM p. 351: [w] ts²wq l- kll ʿs²r ṣdq "et il désirait (la présence de) tous ses bons amis". MTB p. 43: as HCH then ts²wq l- kll ʿfr ṣdq[n] [---] dbq "il se sent ému (en songeant) aux cendres de tous les Juste[s qu'on peut?] toucher". H unpub.: read kll ʿs²r ṣdq "for all true friends". MCAM: correct reading.
- Commentary
- There is no w before ts²wq in the copy as read by HCH although from the photograph there does seem to be one. The reading however is somewhat unclear. The final part of the text read by HCH belongs to HCH 191.1. NB ṣdq may be a technical term. It was used by the Manichaeans for "initiates" as oposed to "sammāʿ" for novices or "hearers" (Trimingham 1979: 143).
- Editio Princeps
- Technique
- Incised
- Direction of Script
- Boustrophedon
- Associated Remains
- Cairn
- Associated Inscriptions
- [HCH] Harding, G.L. The Cairn of Haniʾ. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 2, 1953: 8-56, pls 1-7.
- [MNM] Milik, J.T. Nouvelles inscriptions sémitiques et grecques du pays de Moab. Liber Annuus 9, 1958-1959: 330-358.
- [MTB] Milik, J.T. La tribu des Bani ʿAmrat en Jordanie de l'époque grecque et romaine. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 24, 1980: 41-54.
- Trimingham, J.S. Christianity Among the Arabs in Pre-Islamic Times. (Arab Background Series). London: Longman / Beirut: Librarie du Liban, 1979.
- Site
- Cairn c. 1 5 km S.W. of Cairn of Haniʾ, Al-Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
- Current Location
- In situ
- Subject
- Genealogy
- #0003044
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16 Sep, 2024