Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 24841 - 24864 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 1462

KRS 1462

l ms¹k bn ʾnʿm bn rtmt bn ʾnʿm w h lt ʿwr l- ḏ yʿr h- s¹fr
inscription of siglum KRS 1463

KRS 1463

l s¹ḫr bn rwḥ bn qʿṣn
inscription of siglum KRS 1464

KRS 1464

l mnʿ bn wʿl ḏ- ʾl tm w ḫyṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 1465

KRS 1465

l s¹hm bn ḫlṣ ḏ- ʾl dʾf
inscription of siglum KRS 1466

KRS 1466

l ʿn
inscription of siglum KRS 1467

KRS 1467

l ʿyḏ bn ms¹k bn ms¹k bn nhb w rʿy h- <ḍ>ʾ
inscription of siglum KRS 1468

KRS 1468

l mlk bn bls¹ bn ys¹mʾl bn ṣʿd bn ʾs¹ w qṣṣ b- mʾt frs¹ bʿd ʾl ḍf f h gdḍf s¹lm ʾ
inscription of siglum KRS 1469

KRS 1469

<<>>l ṣr bn bdl
inscription of siglum KRS 1470

KRS 1470

l ʿm bn ḫr bn ḥd bn ṣḥ ḏ- ʾl ms¹kt w ʾs²rq s¹nt ḫlṣt f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 1471

KRS 1471

l dḥ bn gyz
inscription of siglum KRS 1472

KRS 1472

l ----
inscription of siglum KRS 1473

KRS 1473

l ʿlyn bn ʿm bn bdn h- nqt
inscription of siglum KRS 1474

KRS 1474

l ḥwr bn wqs¹ bn ʾṣmʿ w ṣyr m- mfʿl
inscription of siglum KRS 1475

KRS 1475

l s¹wdn bn bdn h- bkrt
inscription of siglum KRS 1476

KRS 1476

l kbr bn wqs¹ w s¹yr m- mfʿl
inscription of siglum KRS 1477

KRS 1477

l qbl bn ybʿ bn mlkt bn hrr w wḥd f h rḍy s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 1478

KRS 1478

l s²krʾl bn mṣrm ḏ- ʾl ḍf
inscription of siglum KRS 1479

KRS 1479

l ḥwq bn kwnt bn s²wʾ bn bʾs² bn ḍf
inscription of siglum KRS 1480

KRS 1480

l s²dd bn ḍbʿ bn s¹ḫr bn ʿl
inscription of siglum KRS 1481

KRS 1481

l ʾlh bn yds¹
inscription of siglum KRS 1482

KRS 1482

l s²hyt bn s²qq bn s²hyt bn ʾs¹ bn ḥg w rʿy h- ʾbl w ṣyr b nṣn mwʾ f h bʿls¹mn rwḥ b- mṭr w s¹lm w ʿrg w ʿwr l- ḏw yʿwr ʾ- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 1483

KRS 1483

l ʿqrb bn ġnṯ bn mnʿt bn bhʾ w rʿy h- ʾbl f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 1484

KRS 1484

l rwḥ bn ----s²m
inscription of siglum KRS 1485

KRS 1485

l ʾlht bn ʾṣr bn ʿbd bn nʿmn bn kn