Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 25081 - 25104 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 1696

KRS 1696

l flṭt bn ḍbʿn h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 1697

KRS 1697

l qymt bn rġḍ bn ġs¹m
inscription of siglum KRS 1698

KRS 1698

l glf bn ʾs¹d bn ʿmrt bn lqf bn lbʾt bn ʾḥgr bn frhz w h rḍy ʿwr m ʿwr h- s¹fr
inscription of siglum KRS 1699

KRS 1699

l s¹ʿd bn ḥmlt bn ġṯ w ḥll h- dr f h lt s¹lm w ġnmt m- s²nʾ bʿd
inscription of siglum KRS 1700

KRS 1700

l mṣrm bn mlk whḫ
inscription of siglum KRS 1701

KRS 1701

l ʾb bn s¹dy h- s¹nn
inscription of siglum KRS 1702

KRS 1702

l mnʿ bn ʿlht w wgm
inscription of siglum KRS 1703

KRS 1703

l kn bn s²krh bn gls¹ bn wʿr w dṯʾ ʿrs¹ wḥd f ʾḏry
inscription of siglum KRS 1704

KRS 1704

----ʾl bn ʾs¹wr bn s²kr bn ʾġs¹m
inscription of siglum KRS 1705

KRS 1705

l qdm bn khl bn qdm bn qdmʾl bn wdmʾl bn grmʾl bn nḫr bn ġrb bn s¹lm bn rfʾt bn gml bn zdʾl bn ʾs²l w h lt ʿwr ḏ yʿwr ----
inscription of siglum KRS 1706

KRS 1706

l ys¹lm bn ʿwḏn bn mlk w ʿyd h- ḍʾn b- ḥrn b- rʾy ʾʾly f h bʿls¹mn w h ḏs²r w lt w s²ʿhqm fṣyt w ʿwr ḏ yʿwr
inscription of siglum KRS 1707

KRS 1707

l hms¹k bn ts²ry w ḏkr ḥbb f h yṯʿ nqm m- ḏ ḍʾw h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 1708

KRS 1708

l ʾs¹d bn ʿmr
inscription of siglum KRS 1709

KRS 1709

l ḥs¹m bn gḥmt bn gḥr
inscription of siglum KRS 1710

KRS 1710

l wʿm w nʾlʾntmmnbt
inscription of siglum KRS 1711

KRS 1711

l ḥrḍ bn ẓnn bn mhr
inscription of siglum KRS 1712

KRS 1712

l ṯs¹ln bn
inscription of siglum KRS 1713

KRS 1713

l trṣ bn ʾys¹ bn ḥd bn ʾys¹
inscription of siglum KRS 1714

KRS 1714

l trṣ bn ʾys¹ bn ḥd bn ʾys¹
inscription of siglum KRS 1715

KRS 1715

l ʿḏr bn rbn bn ʾḏnt w fqd s²wt h lt ʾgd -h
inscription of siglum KRS 1716

KRS 1716

l ymlk bn ----
inscription of siglum KRS 1717

KRS 1717

l tm bn ʾʾs¹d bn ʾlḫm bn nẓr bn bḫl
inscription of siglum KRS 1718

KRS 1718

l rbʾl bn tmʾl bn ḫyḏt w kmʾ w rʿy h- ʾbl
inscription of siglum KRS 1719

KRS 1719

l mrʿ bn ʿbd bn ʿḏ bn s²rb w kmʾ b- rʾy ʿqbt b