Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 25033 - 25056 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 1649

KRS 1649

l s²bn bn ns²ʾ hḥ
inscription of siglum KRS 1650

KRS 1650

l ʾmrt bn mṣd
inscription of siglum KRS 1651

KRS 1651

l hr bn mḏy
inscription of siglum KRS 1652

KRS 1652

l wtr bn ḥbb bn ʾṣwr
inscription of siglum KRS 1653

KRS 1653

l ʾkbr bn bs¹lmh
inscription of siglum KRS 1654

KRS 1654

l s²mt w wlh
inscription of siglum KRS 1655

KRS 1655

l ġlmt bn nhḍ bn ----
inscription of siglum KRS 1656

KRS 1656

l ḥs¹n bn ḥrm bn ḥs²kw bn s¹ḥly w hʾns¹bhʿdfs¹flʿlqqhġzz
inscription of siglum KRS 1657

KRS 1657

l ʾmrt bn ʾw---- bn ʿbd
inscription of siglum KRS 1658

KRS 1658

l ts¹lm w h- rgm
inscription of siglum KRS 1659

KRS 1659

l ḫlf bn ms¹k w rʿy
inscription of siglum KRS 1660

KRS 1660

l ʾs¹ bn rfʾt bn n----m ----t----
inscription of siglum KRS 1661

KRS 1661

<<>> l nʿmn bn ----d----
inscription of siglum KRS 1662

KRS 1662

l ms¹k bn ġzlt bn s²rk w wgm ʿl- ʾnʿm w ʿl- ṣʿd w ʿl- nẓr w rʿy h- ḍʾn f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 1663

KRS 1663

l ms¹k bn ḥyn bn wʿl h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 1664

KRS 1664

<<> l ʾf ḃn bn bnhlh bn s¹wd bn mlk
inscription of siglum KRS 1665

KRS 1665

l bʿ
inscription of siglum KRS 1666

KRS 1666

l bddh bn ẓrr
inscription of siglum KRS 1667

KRS 1667

l wdm w wgm
inscription of siglum KRS 1668

KRS 1668

l s²hyt bn ḥg bn mṭr bn ḥg bn s²bḥr bn grmʾl w ḫrṣ f h lt s¹lm w ʿwr l- ḏ ʿwr h- s¹fr w ġnmt l- ḏ dʿy
inscription of siglum KRS 1669

KRS 1669

l ʿdy bn ʿnhm w tẓr ḥyt f hy ʾlh blh
inscription of siglum KRS 1670

KRS 1670

l bns¹ḫl w s¹ry l- h- nḫl bql kbr
inscription of siglum KRS 1671

KRS 1671

l ʾs¹hʾlh bn lbd w wʿr ʿw
inscription of siglum KRS 1672

KRS 1672

l ḥrs¹ bn tm bn ʾḥwr