Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 26641 - 26664 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 3215

KRS 3215

l kd bn mlk w ṣyr m- ḃnt bn tmdr
inscription of siglum KRS 3216

KRS 3216

l ʾs¹
inscription of siglum KRS 3217

KRS 3217

s¹ʿd bn
inscription of siglum KRS 3218

KRS 3218

l s²ḥdd bn ġṯ bn lġn
inscription of siglum KRS 3219

KRS 3219

l ḫbl bn ġṯʾl w ts²wq ʾl- ḥbb w nẓr ʾ- s¹my f h lt ġwṯ
inscription of siglum KRS 3220

KRS 3220

l ḥmyn bn ḥmlg bn s¹lm bn s¹mdt bn zdlh bn s²hr bn s²qt bn s²qq w s²ty f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 3221

KRS 3221

l ns¹ʾ bn ʾs¹d bn ʿmrt
inscription of siglum KRS 3222

KRS 3222

l s²rk bn ḫzn w rʿy
inscription of siglum KRS 3223

KRS 3223

l rḍwt bn yṣḥḥ bn ʾbgr w kmʾ w wgm ʿl- ydʿ
inscription of siglum KRS 3224

KRS 3224

l grf bn ʾs¹d bn ʿmrt bn lqf h- frs¹ w h rḍy ʿwr m ʿwr h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 3225

KRS 3225

l ḥrs¹ bn mhd w wgm
inscription of siglum KRS 3226

KRS 3226

l ʾs¹d bn ʿmrt w h- ʾfs¹ w h rḍy ʿwr m ʿwr
inscription of siglum KRS 3227

KRS 3227

l qrs²m bn s¹ʿdʾl bn ʾbyn bn bṭnt bn ḥr w h nqmt m- mkbl
inscription of siglum KRS 3228

KRS 3228

<<>> l hḥrm bn ʿmr
inscription of siglum KRS 3229

KRS 3229

l ẓʿn bn s²mt bn grḥ w wgm ʿl- ḫl -h
inscription of siglum KRS 3230

KRS 3230

l qym bn ʾs¹d bn ʾbgr bn ʾs¹d f wgm ʿl- ydʿ
inscription of siglum KRS 3231

KRS 3231

l ʾnʿm bn s¹ʾr bn ṯbrt bn hmʿḏ h- bkrt
inscription of siglum KRS 3232

KRS 3232

inscription of siglum KRS 3232.1

KRS 3232.1

inscription of siglum KRS 3233

KRS 3233

l brd bn ẓnn bn wdm
inscription of siglum KRS 3234

KRS 3234

l grf bn ẓnn bn wdm
inscription of siglum KRS 3235

KRS 3235

l ġṯ bn ʿḏn bn hʾs¹ bn ḥrs¹ bn ġṯ bn yʿly h- ʿn
inscription of siglum KRS 3236

KRS 3236

l ḥṭṭ bn s¹ʿd bn mʿz bn ḏl
inscription of siglum KRS 3237

KRS 3237

l rgl wlyḥndlhl