Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 26665 - 26688 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 3238

KRS 3238

l ʾḥwr bn gdy bn kmd h- dr s¹nt gs²m w ʿwr m ʿwr
inscription of siglum KRS 3239

KRS 3239

l nṣr bn ʾs¹d bn ʿmrt h- ʾnfs¹ h- nql
inscription of siglum KRS 3240

KRS 3240

l mlkt bn ʿm bn gdy bn kmd
inscription of siglum KRS 3241

KRS 3241

l nhr bn gdy bn kmd b
inscription of siglum KRS 3242

KRS 3242

l rṯm bn s²kr
inscription of siglum KRS 3243

KRS 3243

<<>> l s²dyn bn ḥrs¹ bn grḏ bn nhb bn gml bn ḏnbn
inscription of siglum KRS 3244

KRS 3244

l tts¹ bn khl bn ʾnʿm h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 3245

KRS 3245

l wʿd bn qflt bn s¹by
inscription of siglum KRS 3246

KRS 3246

l ʾs¹ bn ʿwḏn bn drs¹
inscription of siglum KRS 3247

KRS 3247

----ms¹ bn ʾs¹d h- frs¹
inscription of siglum KRS 3248

KRS 3248

l ḥnk
inscription of siglum KRS 3249

KRS 3249

l ---- bn ʾbd h- ʿr w wlh ʿl- ʾs²yʿ -h w ġzz b- ḥrt f ʾm---- w ʿwr m- ʿwr
inscription of siglum KRS 3250

KRS 3250

l ʾḫwn
inscription of siglum KRS 3251

KRS 3251

l ḫb
inscription of siglum KRS 3252

KRS 3252

l zmhr bn kbr h- mṣbn
inscription of siglum KRS 3253

KRS 3253

inscription of siglum KRS 3254

KRS 3254

l s¹by bn ʿzn bn tnt
inscription of siglum KRS 3255

KRS 3255

l mdd bn bḥṯn h- gml
inscription of siglum KRS 3256

KRS 3256

l ẓhr
inscription of siglum KRS 3257

KRS 3257

l ʿṯgt bn fḥzt bn ʿdy bn hms¹k
inscription of siglum KRS 3258

KRS 3258

l ʿmr bn wʾyt bn ----
inscription of siglum KRS 3259

KRS 3259

l nmr bn hnʾt bn mṭr bn qnm bn nwmt bn drs¹ bn lṭs¹ w ḥll
inscription of siglum KRS 3260

KRS 3260

---- bn s¹mm bn zgr bn ʾbg---- w rʿy h- nḫl
inscription of siglum KRS 3261

KRS 3261

---- bn ----ht bn s¹mm bn zgr