Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 27049 - 27072 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum LP 137

LP 137

l ḥbb bn mzkr
inscription of siglum LP 138

LP 138

l ḫldt bn nfʿ bn fts² bn zdl bn kbs¹t h- ʿn
inscription of siglum LP 139

LP 139

---- bn ḫtt bn whbʾl bn ḫld bn gs²m bn nfl bn ʾhm bn hḏ----
inscription of siglum LP 140

LP 140

l mty bn brk bn ʾnf bn ʾnʿm bn ḍhd bn ----
inscription of siglum LP 141

LP 141

l nn bn nẓrʾl bn ʾgmḥ h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum LP 142

LP 142

l ẓnʾl bn mnf
inscription of siglum LP 143

LP 143

l tm bn ḫṭs¹t h- qnt
inscription of siglum LP 144

LP 144

l ʾnʿm
inscription of siglum LP 145

LP 145

l lḏ bn ʾs²mt bn ʿyḏ
inscription of siglum LP 146

LP 146

l flṭt bn tm bn flṭt bn bhs² w ḥll h- dr f rʿy h- ʾbl f h lt w bʿls¹mn s²yʿ h- gs² h- rdf f nqḏ
inscription of siglum LP 147

LP 147

l btmh bn ʿṣd
inscription of siglum LP 148

LP 148

l ʾnʿm bn flṭt bn tm bn flṭt bn bhs²
inscription of siglum LP 149

LP 149

l qdm bn flṭt bn tm bn flṭt bn bhs²
inscription of siglum LP 150

LP 150

l grmʾl bn qḥs² bn s¹ʿd w wgd ʾs¹fr ʾs¹wd w ʾb -h f ngʿ
inscription of siglum LP 151

LP 151

l tm bn flṭt bn tm bn flṭt
inscription of siglum LP 152

LP 152

l bny bn ʾs¹d bn ḫl bn ʾs¹ḫr
inscription of siglum LP 153

LP 153

l bġḍ bn ṣʿb bn ẓnʾl
inscription of siglum LP 154

LP 154

l s¹ny bn s¹ny bn mḥnn w wgd ʾṯr dd -h f ngʿ
inscription of siglum LP 155

LP 155

l whblh bn grr bn ʿmʾl bn mṭr w rʿy h- bqr f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum LP 157

LP 157

l hrt bn ʾs¹ bn ṣmk w ngʿ mn- rm f rʿy h- mʿzy ḍf l- ʿm -h
inscription of siglum LP 158

LP 158

l mlk bn grmʾl bn mlk bn qs²
inscription of siglum LP 159

LP 159

l ʿmd bn mlk bn ʿmd bn mlk bn ʿmd bn mlk w mtʿ b- h- bqr m- wḥl
inscription of siglum LP 160

LP 160 /Hf.A 1

l nẓr bn ṭb bn ʾgmm ḏ- ʾl ʿn w ḍbʾ f hy lt w rḍy ġnmt
inscription of siglum LP 161

LP 161 /Hf.A 2

l flṭt bn tm bn flṭt bn bhs² bn ʾḏnt w ḥll ʿl- h- ḥs¹y f klm -h h- ʾs¹d f h lt s¹lm