Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 2233 - 2256 of 38615 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 2377

KRS 2377

l ryḍ bn ntn bn mṣ bn ----wq bn wrd bn ṣḫm
inscription of siglum C 1656

C 1656 /Dunand 386 g

l mlṯt bn ḫdmt bn ḥbs¹ bn mlyt bn ġzyt bn ʿbd bn mlk w wrd h- nmrt f h bʿls¹mn rwḥ
inscription of siglum C 1657

C 1657 /Dunand 387

l ʾs¹d bn ʾs¹d bn rbʾl
inscription of siglum C 1658

C 1658 /Dunand 388

l wqr bn yʿl h- gmln qṣyn l- ʾlt w l- rḍw f h yṯʿ ʿwr m ʿwr h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum C 1659

C 1659 /Dunand 389 a

l kmd bn mġny bn s¹r bn ṣbḥ
inscription of siglum C 1660

C 1660 /Dunand 389 b

l frʾ bn ḫr bn s¹krn bn ṣbḥ w h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum Is.M 83 See LP 323

Is.M 83 See LP 323

l ʾnʿm bn nkf
inscription of siglum C 1661

C 1661 /Dunand 390

l s¹ny bn ʾs¹lm bn ʾs¹d h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum BES15 444

BES15 444

l ml
inscription of siglum C 1662

C 1662 /Dunand 391

l ḫbṯ bn ʿdy bn ḥrb
inscription of siglum KRS 2378

KRS 2378

l s²kr bn s²rb
inscription of siglum KRS 2379

KRS 2379

l zʿr bn tm bn ws¹ṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 2380

KRS 2380

l ʿṭr bn hʾs¹ bn ʾs¹d bn nkf bn wrd
inscription of siglum C 1663

C 1663 /Dunand 392

l gd bn s¹lm bn mbdy bn kwnt
inscription of siglum C 1664

C 1664 /Dunand 393 a

l hnʾ bn mnʿt bn lqṭ bn ʾṯʿ bn s²kr ḏ- ʾl ʾṣr w s¹yr tdmr f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum C 1665

C 1665 /Dunand 393 b

l tmlh bn ghm bn ʿḏ bn tm bn ʿḏ bn grmʾl bn qḥs² bn ḥḍg bn s¹wr bn ḥmyn bn ġḍḍt bn ʾnḍt bn ws²yt bn ḍf w s¹yr l- tdmr f h lt w h bʿl s¹lm w ʿwr l- ḏ ʿwr h- tll
inscription of siglum C 1666

C 1666 /Dunand 394

l ḏmmt bn gmʿs¹ bn ʿml h- bkrt
inscription of siglum C 1667

C 1667 /Dunand 395 a

l tmn bn hʿwḏ bn ḥkm bn ʾḥs¹n bn ẓlm bn bdn w rʿy h- rḥbt s²yḥ
inscription of siglum BES15 617

BES15 617

l ʾdm bn ----
inscription of siglum C 1668

C 1668 /Dunand 395 b

l ʾny bn hms¹k h- ṣwy
inscription of siglum JaS 62

JaS 62 /NSR 119

l ḫlflh bn ʾbyn bn ḫld bn fḍg bn klb bn ʾlmʿ bn s¹d bn ḏḫr bn ḏḫr bn s²ʾm bn yḫld
inscription of siglum C 1669

C 1669 /Dunand 396

l whb bn nms¹ bn ʾʿbd h- bkrt
inscription of siglum KRS 2381

KRS 2381

l mʿn bn mġny bn s²br bn s¹ry bn s¹my
inscription of siglum KRS 2382

KRS 2382

l ḫbyt bn ʾny bn qlt bn hgml bn fkl w wgm ʿl- ʾm -h w ʿl- dd -h w rʿy hʾḥ