Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 7345 - 7368 of 14487 in total
Kennedy DL & Freeman 1996 Kennedy, D.L. & Freeman, P. South Hauran Survey. American Journal of Archaeology 100, 1996: 512-513.
Kennedy DL & Graf DF Kennedy, D.L. & Graf, D.F. Inscriptions on stone, ceramic and mosaic. Pages 92-108 in D.L. Kennedy (ed.), The Twin Towns of Zeugma on the Euphrates. Rescue Work and Historical Studies. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 27). Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1998.
Kennedy DL 1999 Kennedy, D.L. Greek, Roman and native cultures in the Roman Near East [Review article on Millar 1993 (MRNE)]. Pages 76-106 in J.H. Humphrey (ed.), The Roman and Byzantine Near East. Recent Archaeological Research. 2. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 31). Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1999.
Kennedy DL & Husan 1996 Kennedy, D.L. & Husan, A.G. al- New Milestones from Northern Jordan: 1992-1995. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 113, 1996: 257-262, pl. 1-4.
Kennedy DL 1996 Kennedy, D. L. in D.L. Kennedy (ed.), The Roman Army in the East. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 18). Ann Arbor: JRA, 1996.
Kennedy 2012 Kennedy, D.L. Kites - new discoveries and a new type. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 23:2, 2012: 145-155.
Kennedy DL 1998 Kennedy, D.L. La Jordanie antique vue du ciel. Archéologia 346, 1998: 56-65.
Kennedy DL 1980 Kennedy, D.L. Legio VI Ferrata: the Annexation and Early Garrison of Arabia. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 84, 1980: 283-309.
Kennedy DL & MacAdam 1986 Kennedy, D.L. & MacAdam, H.I. Latin Inscriptions from Jordan, 1985. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 65, 1986: 231-236.
Kennedy DL & MacAdam 1985 Kennedy, D.L. & MacAdam, H.I. Latin Inscriptions from the Azraq Oasis, Jordan. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 60, 1985: 97-107.
Kennedy DL, MacAdam & Riley 1986 Kennedy, D.L., MacAdam, H.I. &Riley, D.N. Preliminary Report on the Southern Ḥauran Survey, 1985. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 30, 1986: 145-153, pl. 22-25.
Kennedy DL & MacAdam 1986 Kennedy, D.L. & MacAdam, H.I. Southern Ḥaurān Survey 1985. Archiv für Orientforschung 33, 1986: 286-288.
Kennedy DL & MacAdam 1987 Kennedy, D.L.& MacAdam, H.I. Southern Hauran Survey 1985. Levant 19, 1987: 224-226.
Kennedy 2014 Kennedy, D.L. 'Nomad Villages' in north-eastern Jordan: from Roman Arabia to Umayyad Urdunn. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 25, 2014: 96-109.
Kennedy DL 1996 Kennedy, D.L. Parthia and Rome: eastern perspectives. Pages 67-90 in D.L. Kennedy (ed.), The Roman Army in the East. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 18). Ann Arbor, MI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1996.
Kennedy DL 1981 Kennedy, D.L. Preliminary Report of a Survey of Roman Military Installations in North-Eastern Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 25, 1981: 21-24.
Kennedy DL 2002 Kennedy, D.L. Qaryat al-Hadid: a 'Lost' Roman Military Site in Northern Jordan. Levant 34, 2002: 99-110.
Kennedy DL & Qatamin 2001 Kennedy, D.L. & Qatamin, H. Nabataean Archaeology from the Air. Adumatu 4, 2001: 21-40.
Kennedy DL 2000 Kennedy, D.L. Relocating the Past: Missing Inscriptions from Qasr el-Hallabat and the Air Photographs of Sir Aurel Stein for Transjordan. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 132, 2000: 28-36.
Kennedy DL 2006 Kennedy, D.L. [Review of Parker 2006 (PRFCJ)]. Journal of Roman Archaeology 21, 2006: 669-686.
Kennedy DL 2006 Kennedy, D.L. [Review of Sartre 2005 (SMUR)]. The International History Review 28, 2006: 353-368.
Kennedy DL & Riley 1990 Kennedy, D.L. & Riley, D. Rome's Desert Frontier From the Air. London: Batsford, 1990.
Kennedy DL 1997 Kennedy, D.L. Roman Empire. Pages 435-441 in E.M. Meyers (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Archaeology in the Near East. Prepared under the auspices of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 4. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Kennedy DL 1997 Kennedy, D.L. Roman Roads and Routes in North-east Jordan. Levant 29, 1997: 71-93.