Reference Results

Displaying citations 7441 - 7464 of 14522 in total
Johnson JH 1979 Johnson, J.H. Epigraphy. Demotic. Pages 244 in D.S. Whitcomb & J.H. Johnson (eds), Quseir al-Qadim 1978. Preliminary Report. (American Research Centre in Egypt. Reports, 1). Princeton, NJ: American Research Centre in Egypt, 1979.
Johnson GJ 1996 Johnson, G.J. [Review of Trombley 1993-1994 (THRC)]. Topoi 6, 1996: 387-391.
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Johnson AP 2012 Johnson, A.P. Hellenism and Its Discontents. Pages 437-466 in S.F. Johnson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Johnson 2012 Johnson, S.F. Travel, Cartography, and Cosmology. Pages 562-596 in S.F. Johnson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Johnson 2010 Johnson, W.A. Readers and Reading Culture in the High Roman Empire: A Study of Elite Communities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Johnson 2009 Johnson, W.A. The Ancient Book. Pages 256-281 in R.S. Bagnall (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Johnson 2009 Johnson, W.A. Constructing Elite Reading Communities in the High Empire. Pages 320-332 in W.A. Johnson & H.N. Parker (eds), Ancient Literacies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Johns J & Jamil 2004 johns*J. & Jamil, N. Signs of the Times: Arabic Signatures as a Measure of Acculturation in Norman Sicily. Muqarnas 21, 2004: 181-192.
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Johns AF 1978 Johns, A.F. Short Grammar of Biblical Aramaic. Andrews University Monographs ; 1. VI-107 p. ;. Berrien Springs: Andrews university, 1978.
Johansson 1998 Johansson, E. To Know the Words. The key to oral and reading tradition in the Church. A basic theme in Christian literacy teaching. Pages 149-156 in D. Lindmark (ed.), Alphabeta Varia. Orality, Reading and Writing in the History of Literacy. Festschrift in honour of Egil Johansson on the occasion of his 65th birthday March 24, 1998. (Album Religionum Umense, 1). [Apparently published here for the first time]. Umeå: Department of Religious Studies, Umeå University, 1998.
Johansson 1998 Johansson, E. The postliteracy problem — illusion or reality in modern society?. Pages 157-169 in D. Lindmark (ed.), Alphabeta Varia. Orality, Reading and Writing in the History of Literacy. Festschrift in honour of Egil Johansson on the occasion of his 65th birthday March 24, 1998. (Album Religionum Umense, 1). [previously published elsewhere but place not stated]. Umeå: Department of Religious Studies, Umeå University, 1998.
Johansson 1998 Johansson, E. Women and the Tradition of Reading Around 1700: Examples from Sweden and Germany. Pages 131-148 in D. Lindmark (ed.), Alphabeta Varia. Orality, Reading and Writing in the History of Literacy. Festschrift in honour of Egil Johansson on the occasion of his 65th birthday March 24, 1998. (Album Religionum Umense, 1). Article translated by G. Miron. Umeå: Department of Religious Studies, Umeå University, 1988.
Johansson 1998 Johansson, E. Popular Literacy in Scandinavia, 1600-1900. Pages 117-123 in D. Lindmark (ed.), Alphabeta Varia. Orality, Reading and Writing in the History of Literacy. Festschrift in honour of Egil Johansson on the occasion of his 65th birthday March 24, 1998. (Album Religionum Umense, 1). [Written especially for this volume]. Umeå: Department of Religious Studies, Umeå University, 1988.
Johansson 1998 Johansson, E. Alphabeta Varia — Some Roots of Literacy in Various Countries. Pages 124-130 in D. Lindmark (ed.), Alphabeta Varia. Orality, Reading and Writing in the History of Literacy. Festschrift in honour of Egil Johansson on the occasion of his 65th birthday March 24, 1998. (Album Religionum Umense, 1). [Unknown where first published]. Umeå: Department of Religious Studies, Umeå University, 1998.
Johansson 1998 Johansson, E. Literacy Campaigns in Sweden. Pages 89-116 in D. Lindmark (ed.), Alphabeta Varia. Orality, Reading and Writing in the History of Literacy. Festschrift in honour of Egil Johansson on the occasion of his 65th birthday March 24, 1998. (Album Religionum Umense, 1). [First published in Interchange [The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education] 19/3-4 (1988): 135-162]. Umeå: Department of Religious Studies, Umeå University, 1998.
Johansson 1998 Johansson, E. The History of Literacy in Sweden. Pages 57-88 in D. Lindmark (ed.), Alphabeta Varia. Orality, Reading and Writing in the History of Literacy. Festschrift in honour of Egil Johansson on the occasion of his 65th birthday March 24, 1998. (Album Religionum Umense, 1). [First published as pages 151-182 in E. Johansson, "The History of Literacy in Sweden, in comparison with some other countries". Educational reports, Umeå, 12, 1977. Umeå: Umeå University and School of Education]. Umeå: Department of Religious Studies, Umeå University, 1998.
Jobling & Morgan 1983 Jobling, W.J. & Morgan, R.V.H. The Fourth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1982-1983 in Ricerca in Giordania. Liber Annuus 33, 1983: 396-401, pl. 67-69.
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