Reference Results
Displaying citations 7537 - 7560 of 14522 in total
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JaT | [Thamudic inscriptions published by A. Jamme and numbered consecutively]. | |
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JaS | JaS 1: Jamme, A. 1959. A Safaitic Inscription from the Negev. ‘Atiqot [English Series] 2: 150-151, pl. 23. [Actually Hismaic] JaS 2–23:Jamme, A. 1967. Safaitic Inscriptions from Saudi Arabia. Oriens Antiquus 6: 189-213, pl. 50-55 JaS 24–38: Jamme, A. 1969. New Safaïtic and Ḥasaean Inscriptions from Northern Arabia. Sumer 25: 141-152, pl. 1-3 JaS 39–43: Jamme, A. 1970. The Pre-Islamic Inscriptions of the Riyâdh Museum. Oriens Antiquus 9: 115-139 JaS 44–176: Jamme, A. 1971. Safaitic Inscriptions from the Country of ʿArʿar and Raʾs al-ʿAnānīyah. Pages 41-109, 611-637 in F. Altheim & R. Stiehl (eds), Christentum am Roten Meer. volume 1. Berlin: De Gruyter JaS 177–180: Jamme, A. 1970. Four New Safaïtic Texts. Al-Machriq 64: 587-590 JaS 181–188: Jamme, A. 1971. Inscriptions safaïtiques du Wâdî Rum. Pages9-10, pl. 1 in A. Jamme, Miscellanées d'ancient arabe II. Washington, DC: [privately produced] JaS 189–190: Jamme, A. 1972. Safaitic Stones Photographed by Dale E. Garrison near Ancient Badanah. Pages 113–114 in A. Jamme, Miscellanées d'ancient arabe III. Washington, DC: [privately produced] JaS 191: Jamme, A. Pre-Islamic Arabian Miscellanea. Pages 102–103, pl. 2 in R.G. Stiegner (ed.), Al-Hudhud. Festschrift Maria Höfner zum 80. Geburtstag. Graz: Karl-Franzens-Universität JaS 192–194: Jamme, A. 1985. Three Safaitic Stones from the Country of Ṭurayf, Saudi Arabia, JaS 192-194. Pages 38-41 in A. Jamme, Miscellanées d'ancient arabe XIV. Washington, DC: [privately produced] JaS 195: Jamme, A. 1985. The Two Safaitic Petroglyphs Published by S.W. Helms. Pages 52-61 in A. Jamme, Miscellanées d'ancient arabe XIV. Washington, DC: [privately produced] JaS 196–198: Jamme, A. 1988. Note on J. Qarmat, JaS 196, 197 and 198. Pages 131-134 in A. Jamme, Miscellanées d'ancient arabe XVI. Washington, DC: [privately produced] . | |
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