Reference Results

Displaying citations 7465 - 7488 of 14522 in total
Jobling 1988 Jobling, W.J. Prospection archéologique et épigraphique dans la région d'ʿAqaba-Maʿan, 1986. Syria 65, 1988: 427–434.
Jobling 1988 Jobling, W.J. Preliminary Report of the Eighth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Epigraphic and Archaeological Survey. Amman: Archives of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 1988. [Unpublished]
Jobling 1987 Jobling, W.J. The Seventh Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Survey, Liber Annus 37, 1987: 376-379, pls. 55-56
Jobling 1986 Jobling, W.J. North Arabian (-Thamudic) Inscriptions and Rock Art from the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Area of Southern Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 30, 1986: 261-283, pl. 48-55.
Jobling 1986 Jobling, W.J. The ʿAqaba-Maʿan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1983-1985. Archiv für Orientforschung 33, 1986: 233-247.
Jobling 1985 Jobling, W.J. Preliminary Report of the Sixth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Epigraphic and Archaeological Survey. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 29, 1985: 211-220.
Jobling 1984-1986 Jobling, W.J. Desert Deities: Some New Epigraphic Evidence for the Deities Dushares and al-Lat from the Aqaba-Maʿan Area of Southern Jordan. Religious Traditions 7-9, 1984-1986: 25-40.
Jobling 1984 Jobling, W.J. The Fifth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey, 1984. Liber Annuus 34, 1984: 422-428, pl. 86.
Jobling 1984 Jobling, W.J. The ʿAqaba-Maʿan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1980-1984. Trasus:Tri-Annual of the Archaeological Society, University of Sydney 2:2, 1984: 34-52.
Jobling 1984 Jobling, W.J. The Fifth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Survey 1984. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 28, 1984: 191-202.
Jobling 1983-1984 Jobling, W.J. ʿAqaba-Maʿān Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1980-1982. Archiv für Orientforschung 29-30, 1983-1984: 264-270.
AMJ Jobling 1983 Jobling, W.J. The 1982 Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Area of Southern Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 27, 1983: 185-196.
Jobling 1983 Jobling, W.J. Preliminary Report of the Fourth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1982-1983. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 27, 1983: 197-208.
Jobling 1983 Jobling, W.J. Prospection archéologique et épigraphique dans la région d'Aqaba-Maʿan. Syria 60, 1983: 317-323.
Jobling 1983 Jobling, W.J. Recent Exploration and Survey in Southern Jordan: Rock Art, Inscriptions and History. Berytus 31, 1983: 27-40.
Jobling 1982 Jobling, W.J. The Aqaba-Maʿan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1982 Season. Liber Annuus 32, 1982: 467-470, plates p. 111-113.
Jobling 1982 Jobling, W.J. Aqaba-Maʿan Survey, Jan.-Feb. 1981. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 26, 1982: 199-209, 479-481, pl. 56-58.
Jobling 1981 Jobling, W.J. Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Survey Between Maʿan and ʿAqaba. January to February 1980. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 25, 1981: 105-112, pl. 26-32.
Jobing 1995 Jobling, W.J. Nabataean-Aramaic: A Provisional Lexicon (Nablex). Kensington, MD: Dunwoody, 1995.
JLA.ThD JLA.ThD Thamudic D inscriptions from the area of Jabal al-Lawz, north-west Saudi Arabia
JLA.H JLA.H Hismaic inscriptions found in the area of Jabal al-Lawz, north-west Saudi Arabia.
Jirku 1967 Jirku, Anton Die ägyptischen Listen palästinensischer und syrischer Ortsnamen: im Unschrift und mit historisch-archäologischem Kommentar. Klio ; 38. v-61 p. ;. Aalen : Scientia Verlag, ,
Jirku 1963 Jirku, Anton Geschichte Palästina-Syriens im orientalischen Altertum. 206 p. ;. Aalen : Scientia, ,
Jibour Jibour See also Al-Jubūr, Jbour, Jbur, Jabour, Jibour, Jubour, Juboor.