Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 7513 - 7536 of 14487 in total
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AMJ King GMH 1990 King, G.M.H. Early North Arabian Thamudic E. A preliminary description based on a new corpus of inscriptions from the Ḥismā desert of southern Jordan and published material. Ph.D thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1990. [Unpublished]. 1990.
KWM King GMH 1989 King, G.M.H. Some Inscriptions from Wadi Matakh. Pages 37-55 in M.M. Ibrahim (ed.), Arabian Studies in Honour of Mahmoud Ghal. Symposium at Yarmouk University, 8th-11th december 1984. (Yarmouk University Publications: Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology Series, 2). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1989.
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KU King GMH n.d. King, G.M.H. Thamudic Inscriptions. Killick A. (ed.) in Udhruh: Caravan City and Desert Oasis. Privately printed, n.d.
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