Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 7369 - 7392 of 14487 in total
Kennedy 2013 Kennedy, D.L. Settlement and Soldiers in the Roman Near East. (Variorum Collected Studies, CS1032). Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.
Kennedy DL 1995 Kennedy, D.L. Southern Hauran Survey: 1995 Season. Western Australian Archaeology 12/03/2012, 1995
Kennedy DL 1996 Kennedy, D.L. Syria. Pages 703-736, 1098-1104 in A.K. Bowman, E. Champlin, A. Lintott, The Cambridge Ancient History. Second Edition. Volume X. The Augustan Empire, 43 B.C. — A.D. 69. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Kennedy DL 1998 Kennedy, D.L. The area of Umm el-Jimal: maps, air photographs, and surface survey. Pages 39-90 in B. de Vries (ed.), Umm el-Jimal. A Frontier Town and its Landscape in Northern Jordan volume 1. Fieldwork 1972-1981. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 26). Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1998.
Kennedy DL 2012 [2014] Kennedy, D.L. The Cairn of Hānī: Significance, present condition and context. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 56, 2012 [2014]: 483-505.
Kennedy 1985 Kennedy, D.L. The construction of a vexillation from the army of Syria and the origin of alae milliariae. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 61, 1985: 181-185.
Kennedy DL 1986 Kennedy, D.L. The Desert and the South in Eastern Arabian History. Pages 18-28 in I.A. Netton (ed.), Arabia and the Gulf. From Traditional Society to Modern States. Essays in Honour of M.A. Shaban's Sixteenth Birthday, 16th. November 1986. London: Groom Helm, 1986.
Kennedy 2000 Kennedy, D.L. The frontier of settlement in Roman Arabia: Gerasa to Umm el-Jimal ... and beyond. Mediterraneo Antico 3:2, 2000: 397-453.
Kennedy DL 1980 Kennedy, D.L. The Frontier Policy of Septimus Severus. New Evidence from Arabia. Pages 879-888 in W.S. Hanson and L.J.F. Keppie (eds.), Roman Frontier Studies 1979. (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 58.3). Oxford, 1980.
Kennedy 1987 Kennedy, D.L. The garrisoning of Mesopotamia in the later Antonine and early Severan period. Antichthon 21, 1987: 57-66.
Kennedy DL 1998 Kennedy, D.L. The Identity of Roman Gerasa: an Archaeological Approach. Mediterranean Archaeology 11, 1998: 39-69.
Kennedy 1989 Kennedy, D.L. The military contribution of Syria to the Roman imperial army. Pages 235-246 in D. French & C. Lightfoot, The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire. (BAR, International Series, 553). Reprinted with the same pagination and addenda in D.L. Kennedy, Settlement and Soldiers in the Roman Near East, XII. (Variorum Collected Study Series, CS1032). Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.. Oxford: BAR, 1989.
Kennedy DL 1989 Kennedy, D.L. The Military Contribution of Syria to the Roman Imperial Army. Pages 235-246 in D.H. French and C.S. Lightfoot (eds.), The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire. Colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988 (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph 11). (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 553). Oxford, 1989.
Kennedy DL 1995 Kennedy, D.L. The Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-05 and 1909 Relating to Southern Syria. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127, 1995: 21-32.
Kennedy DL 2004 Kennedy, D.L. The Roman Army in Jordan. 2nd revised edition. London: Council for British Research in the Levant, 2004.
Kennedy DL 2004 Kennedy, D.L. The Roman Army in Jordan. London: Council for British Research in the Levant, 2004.
Kennedy DL 1996 Kennedy, D.L. The Roman army in the East. in D.L. Kennedy (ed.), The Roman Army in the East. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 18). Ann Arbor, MI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1996.
Kennedy 1997 Kennedy, D.L. The special command of M. Valerius Lollianus. in E. Dabrowa (ed.), Donum Amicitiae: Studies in Ancient History. (Electrum, 1). Reprinted with the same pagination and addenda in D.L. Kennedy, Settlement and Soldiers in the Roman Near East, VI. (Variorum Collected Study Series, CS1032). Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, 1997.
Kennedy DL 1995 Kennedy, D.L. The Via Nova Traiana in Northern Jordan: A Cultural Resource under Threat. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 39, 1995: 221-227.
Kennedy DL 2002 Kennedy, D.L. Two Nabataean and Roman Sites in Southern Jordan: Khirbet el-Qirana and Khirbet el-Khalde. Pages 361-386 in V.B. Gorman & E.W. Robinson (eds), OIKISTES. Studies in Constitutions, Colonies, and Military Power in the Ancient World. Offered in Honor of A.J. Graham. (Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum, 234). Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Kennedy DL 1976 Kennedy, D.L. Two New Latin Inscriptions from Jordan-1976. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 21, 1976: 135-137.
Kennedy DL 1995 Kennedy, D.L. Water Supply and Use in the Southern Hauran, Jordan. Journal of Field Archaeology 22, 1995: 275-290.
Kennedy DL 1996 Kennedy, D.L. Zeugma Archaeological Project, Turkey, 1993. Mediterranean Archaeology 8, 1996: 127-129, pl. 13.
Kennedy DL 1997 Kennedy, F.L. Aerial Archaeology in Jordan: Air Photography and the Jordanian Southern Ḥawrān. Pages 77-86 in Gh. Bisheh, M. Zaghloul, I. Kehrberg (eds), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. VI: Landscape Resources and Human Occupation in Jordan Throughout the Ages. (Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 6). Amman: Department of Antiquities, 1997.