Reference Results
Displaying citations 9073 - 9096 of 14522 in total
Graf, Schmid & Ronza 2007 | Graf, D.F., Schmid, S.G. & Ronza, E. The Hellenistic Petra Project: Excavations in the Qaṣr al-Bint Temenos Area: Preliminary Report on the Second Season, 2005. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 51, 2007: 223-238. | |
Graf G 1944 | Graf, G. Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur. 1. Band. Die Übersetzungen. (Studi eTesti, 118). Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1044. | |
Graff HJ 1986 | Graff, H.J. The legacies of literacy: continuity and contradictions in western society and culture. Pages 61-86 in S. De Castell, A. Luke, K. Egan (eds), Literacy, society, and schooling. A reader. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. | |
Graf DF & Zwettler 2004 | Graf, D.F. & Zwettler, M.J. The North Arabian "Thamudic E" Inscription from Uraynibah West. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 335, 2004: 53-89. | |
Graf DF, Simpson WK, Schneider TJ 1998 | Graf, D.F., Simpson, W.K., Schneider, T.J. [Review of Sasson 1995 (SCANE)]. Religious Studies Review 24, 1998: 155-164. | |
Graf DF & Saʿīd SA 2006 | Graf, D.F. &Saʿīd, S.A New Nabataean funerary inscriptions from Umm al-Jimāl. Journal of Semitic Studies 51, 2006: 267-303. | |
Graf DF & O'Connor 1977 | Graf, D.F. & O'Connor, M. The Origin of the Term Saracen and the Rawāfā Inscriptions. Byzantine Studies. Études byzantines 4, 1977: 52-66. | |
Graf DF & Dreyer 1996 | Graf, D.F. & Dreyer, E.L. The Roman East from the Chinese Perspective. Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 42, 1996: 199-216. | |
Graf DF 2014 | Graf, D.F. Nabataean Inscriptions from Wādī Museimīr in the Southeast Wādī ʿAraba. Pages 349-356 in S.T. Parker & A.M. Smith II (eds), The Roman Aqaba Project Final Report. Volume 1 — The Regional Environment and the Regional Survey. Boston, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2014. | |
Graf DF 2013 | Graf, D.F. Arabs in the Aegean in the Early Hellenistic Period. Pages 197-210Sudies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XI. Amman: Department of antiquities of Jordan, 2013. | |
Graf DF 2013 | Graf, D.F. Rediscovering Early Hellenistic Petra : Recent Excavations in the Civic Center. Pages 29–45 in N. Khairy and T.M. Weber (eds), Studies on the Nabataean Culture. 1. Amman: University of Jordan, 2013. | |
Graf DF 2009 | Graf, D.F. Athenodorus of Tarsus and Nabataea: The Date and Circumstances of His Visit to Petra. Pages 67-74Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan X. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 2009. | |
Graf DF 2009 | Graf, D.F. Zoora rises from the grave: new funerary stelae from Palaestina Tertia[Review Article of Meimaris & Kritikakou-Nikolaropoulou 2005/2008 (MIPT.I)]. Journal of Roman Archaeology 22, 2009: 752-758. | |
Graf DF 2006 | Graf, D.F. The Nabataeans in the early Hellenistic period: the testimony of Posidippus of Pella. Topoi 14, 2006: 47-68. | |
Graf DF 2004 | Graf, D.F. Nabataean Identity and ethnicity: The Epigraphic Perspective. Pages 145-154Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. VIII. Amman: Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 2004. | |
Graf DF 2003 | Graf, D.F. Arabs in Syria : demography and epigraphy. Pages 319-340La Syrie hellénistique. (Topoi Supplément, 4). Paris: de Boccard, 2003. | |
Graf DF 2003 | Graf, D.F. Language and Lifestyle as Boundary Markers: The North Arabian Epigraphic Evidence. Mediterranean Archaeology 16, 2003: 27-56. | |
Graf DF 2003 | Graf, D.F. [Review of Hoyland 2002 (HAA)]. Adumatu 7, 2003: 57-63. | |
Graf DF 2002 | Graf, D.F. [Review of Al-Ansary & Abu Al-Hassan 2001 (AAUM)]. Adumatu 6, 2002: 39-41. | |
Graf DF 2002 | Graf, D.F. Nomads and the Arabian frontier: the epigraphic perspective. Pages 153-160 in P. Freeman, J. Bennett, Z.T. Fiema, & B. Hoffmann (eds), Limes XVIII. Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000). A conference held under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Archaeology at the University of Liverpool. 1. (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 1084). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2002. | |
Graf DF 2001 | Graf, D.F. Ebrei in Arabia. Pages 259- incomplete in A. Lewin (ed.), Gli ebrei nell'Impero Romano. Saggi vari. Traduzioni diD. Asheri, A. Lewin e R. Volponi. Firenze: Giuntina, 2001. | |
Graf DF 2001 | Graf, D.F. First Millennium AD, Roman and Byzantine Periods: Landscape Archaeology and Settlement Patterns. Pages 469-480Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. VII. (Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 7). Amman: Department of Antiquities, 2001. | |
Graf DF 2000 | Graf, D.F. [Review of Negev 1997 (NAOR)]. American Journal of Archaeology 104, 2000: 154. | |
Graf DF 2000 | Graf, D.F. Khirbet as-Samra in Arabia: Christian stelae in Melkite Aramaic and the Via Nova Traiana [Review of Humbert & Resreumaux 1998]. Journal of Roman Archaeology 13, 2000: 801-811. |