Reference Results
Displaying citations 8977 - 9000 of 14522 in total
Grigson, Gowlett, Zarins 1989 | Grigson, C., Gowlett, J.A.J., Zarins, J. The Camel in Arabia — A Direct Radiocarbon Date, Calibrated to about 7000 BC. Journal of Archaeological Science 16, 1989: 355-362. | |
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Grigson 2012 | Grigson, C. Camels, Copper and Donkeys in the Early Iron Age of the Southern Levant: Timna Revisited. Levant 44:1, 2012: 82-100. | |
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Griffin 2014 | Griffin, M. The Prince and his Tutor: Candour and Affection. Scripta Classica Israelica 33, 2014: 67-86. | |
Griesheimer 2003 | Griesheimer, M. Kella de Deir el-Ferdîs et d'Elbi. Contribution à l'étude de la vie monastique en Syrie central. Syria 80, 2003 [2006]: 177-198. | |
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Grey 1834 | Grey, G.F. Inscriptions from the Waady El Muketteb, or the Written Valley; copied, in 1820, by the REV. G.F. GREY, and communicated to the Royal Society of Literature in 1830. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom 2, 1834: 147-148, pls 1-14. | |
Grenfell, Hunt & Goodspeed 1907 | Grenfell, B.P. , Hunt, A.S. & Goodspeed, E.J. The Tebtunis Papyri. II. (University of California Publications. Graeco-Roman Archaeology, 2). London: Oxford University Press , 1907. | |
Grenfell & Hunt 1916 | Grenfell, B.P. & Hunt, A.S. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Part XII. London: Egypt Exploration Society, Graceo-Roman Branch, 1916. | |
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Grenfell & Hunt 1904 | Grenfell, B.P. & Hunt, A.S. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Part IV. London: Egypt Exploration Society, Graceo-Roman Branch, 1904. | |
Grenfell & Hunt 1897 | Grenfell, B.P. & Hunt, A.S. New Classical Fragments and other Greek and Latin Papyri. (Greek Papyri, Series, 2). Oxford: Clarendon, 1897. | |
Grenfell 1896 | Grenfell, B.P. An Alexandrian Erotic Fragment and other Greek papyri chiefly Ptolemaic. Oxford: Clarendon, 1896. | |
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Gregg & Urman 1996 | Gregg, R.C. & Urman, D. Jews, Pagans and Christians in the Golan Heights. Greek and Other Inscriptions of the Roman and Byzantine Eras. (University of South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism, 40). Atlanta, GA: Scholars, 1996. | |
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Green FW 1909 | Green, F.W. Notes on Some Inscriptions in the Etbai District I. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 31, 1909: 247-254, pl. 32-36. |