Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 8977 - 9000 of 14487 in total
Mazuel 1937 Mazuel, J. L'oeuvre géographique de Linant de Bellefonds, étude de géographie historique. Le Caire:, 1937.
Mazuz 2015 Mazuz, H. Northern Arabia and its Jewry in early Rabbinic sources: more than meets the eye. Antiguo Oriente 13, 2015: 149-168
Mazzini 2002 Mazzini, G. Akkadian RʾM as a West Semitic Lexical Trait. Ugarit - Forschungen 34, 2002: 577-584.
Mazzini 2004 Mazzini, G. A new proposal for the lost beginning section of Qatabanic inscription CIAS 47.82/j 1. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 15, 2004: 72-75.
Mazzini 2002 Mazzini, G. A New Suggestion to KTU 1.14 I 15. Ugarit - Forschungen 34, 2002: 569-575.
Mazzini 2004 Mazzini, G. Baal and Niqmaddu. A suggestion to Ugaritic KTU 1.2 I, 36-38. Studi epigrafici e linguistici sul vicino oriente antico 21, 2004: 65-69.
Mazzini 2004 Mazzini, G. Further remarks on the Ugaritic fragment KTU 1.93. Egitto e Vicino Oriente 27, 2004: 199-207.
Mazzini 2002 Mazzini, G. La radice semitica HLK in sudarabico e alcune riflessioni comparative. Egitto e Vicino Oriente 25, 2002: 327-336.
Mazzini & Porter A 2009 Mazzini, G. & Porter, A. Stela BM 102600-CIH 611 in the British Museum: water regulation between two bordering estates. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 39, 2009: 283-294.
Mazzini 2003 Mazzini, G. The Defeat of the Dragon in KTU 1.83,4–10. Ugaritic ŠBM and the South Arabian Root ?BM. Ugarit - Forschungen 35, 2003: 391-406.
Mazzini 2004 Mazzini, G. The function of the term ʾḥû in Genesis XLI 2,18. Studi epigrafici e linguistici sul vicino oriente antico 21, 2004: 83-87.
Mazzini 2004 Mazzini, G. The Sabaic decree CIH 609: Royal concession on properties and purchases of the Bnw Ḏ-Mʿhrm. Egitto e Vicino Oriente 27, 2004: 185-198.
Mazzini 2001 Mazzini, G. The term ǵbr in KTU 1.40 a possible Arabic-Ugaritic Isogloss. Studi epigrafici e linguistici sul vicino oriente antico 18, 2001: 51-53.
Mazzoni 2010 Mazzoni, S. Arabia in the first millennium BC: the Near Eastern background. Pages 17-27 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Eastern Arabia in the First Millennium BC. (Arabia Antica, 6). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider, 2010.
Mazzoni 1997 Mazzoni, S. Complex Society, Urbanization and Trade: The Case of Eastern and Western Arabia. Pages 23-35 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Profumi d'Arabia. Atti del convegno. (Saggi di Storia Antica, 11). Roma: “L'Erma” di Bretschneider, 1997.
McCall & Tubb 2003 McCall, H. & Tubb, J. I am the Bull of Nineveh. Victorian Design in the Assyrian Style. An Exhibition in the Department of the Ancient near east, British Museum, July 2003. London: BMP, 2003.
McCarter 2004 McCarter, P.K. Hebrew. Pages 319-364 in R.D. Woodard (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
McCarter 2008 McCarter, P.K. Paleographic Notes on the Tel Zayit Abecedary. Pages 45-59 in R.E. Tappy & P.K. McCarter (eds), Literate Culture and Tenth-Century Canaan: The Tel Zayit Abecedary in Context. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008.
McCarter 1975 McCarter, P.K. The Antiquity of the Greek alphabet and the early Phoenician scripts. (Harvard Semitic Monographs, 9). Missoula, MT: Scholars Press for Harvard Semitic Museum, 1975.
McClellan & Porter 1995 McClellan, T.L. & Porter* A. Jāwa and North Syria. Pages 49-65 in Kh. Amr, F. Zayadine, M. Zaghloul (eds.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. V. Art and Technology throughout the Ages. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 1995.
McClure & Shaikh 1993 McClure, H.A. & Shaikh, N.Y. al- Palaeogeography of an 'Ubaid archaeological site, Saudi Arabia. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 4, 1993: 107-125.
McCollough & Glazier-McDonald 1996 McCollough, C.T. & Glazier-McDonald, B. An Aramaic Bronze Amulet from Sepphoris. ʿAtiqot 28, 1996: 160-165.
McCorriston 2000 McCorriston, J. Early settlement in Hadramawt: preliminary report on prehistoric occupation at Shiʾb Munayder. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 11, 2000: 129-153.
McCorriston & Johnson 1998 McCorriston, J. & Johnson, Z. Agriculture and animal husbandry at Ziyadid Zabid, Yemen. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 28, 1998: 175-188.