Reference Results
Displaying citations 9001 - 9024 of 14528 in total
Green J 2006 | Green, J. [Review of Ruben 2003 (RPS)]. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 138, 2006: 74-75. | |
Green FW 1909 | Green, F.W. Notes on Some Inscriptions in the Etbai District I. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 31, 1909: 247-254, pl. 32-36. | |
Green FW 1909 | Green, F.W. Notes on Some Inscriptions in the Etbai District II. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 31, 1909: 319-322, pls 51-54. | |
Greenfield & Sokoloff 1992 | Greenfield, J.C. & Sokoloff, M. The Contribution of Qumran Aramaic to the Aramaic Vocabulary. Pages 78-98 in T. Muraoka (ed.), Studies in Qumran Aramaic. (Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series, 3). Leuven: Peeters, 1992. | |
Greenfield & Porten 1982 | Greenfield, J.C. & Porten, B. The Bisitun inscription of Darius the Great: Aramaic version: text, translation and commentary . Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum. Part I. Inscriptions of Ancient Iran. 5. London : Humphries, | |
Greenfield 1995 | Greenfield, J.C. Aramaic and the Jews. in M.J. Geller, J.C. Greenfield, M.P. Weitzman (eds.), Studia Aramaica. New Sources and New Approaches. Papers Delivered at the London Conference of the Institute of Jewish Studies, University College London, 26th-28th June 1991. (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, 4). Oxford: Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester, 1995. | |
Greenfield 1993 | Greenfield, J.C. “Because He/She Did not Know Letters”: Remarks on a First Millennium C.E. Legal Expression. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University 22, 1993: 39-44. | |
Greenfield 1992 | Greenfield, J.C. Some Arabic Loanwords in the Aramaic and Nabatean Texts from Naḥal Ḥever. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 15, 1992: 10-21. | |
Greenfield 1992 | Greenfield, J.C. The Texts from Naḥal Ṣeʾelim (Wadi Seiyal). Pages 661-665 in J. Trebolle Barrera and L. Vegas Montaner (eds), The Madrid Qumran Congress. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls Madrid 18-21 March, 1991. 2. (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, 11.2). Leiden: Brill, 1992. | |
Greenfield 1991 | Greenfield, J.C. Of Scribes, Scripts and Languages. Pages 171-185 in C. Baurain, C. Bonnet, V. Krings (eds), Phoinikeia Grammata. Lire et écrire en Méditerranée. Actes du Colloque de Liège, 15-18 novembre 1989. (Collection d'Études Classiques, 6). Namur: Société des Études Classiques, 1991. | |
Greenfield 1991 | Greenfield, J.C. Kullu nafsin bimā kasabat rahīnā: the Use of rhn in Aramaic and Arabic. Pages 220-227 in A. Jones (ed.), Arabicus Felix: Luminosus Britannicus. Essays in Honour of A.F.L. Beeston on his Eightieth Birthday. (Oxford Oriental Institute Monographs, 11). Reading: Ithaca, 1991. | |
Greenfield 1991 | Greenfield, J.C. The verbs for washing in Aramaic. Pages 588-594 in A.S. Kaye (ed.), Semitic Studies in honor of Wolf Leslau on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday November 14th, 1991. 1. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991. | |
Greenfield 1987 | Greenfield, J.C. To Praise the Might of Hadad. La vie de la parole. De l"Ancien au Nouveau Testament. Etudes d'exégèse et d'herméneutique bibliques offertes à Pierre Grelot professeur à l'institut Catholique de Paris. Paris: Desclée, 1987. | |
Greenfield 1987 | Greenfield, J.C. The Verb Sallaṭa in the Qurʾān in the Light of Aramaic Usage. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 9, 1987: 36-41. | |
Greenfield 1984-1986 | Greenfield, J.C. Notes on the Early Aramaic Lexicon. Orientalia Suecana 33-35, 1984-1986: 149-155. | |
Greenfield 1977 | Greenfield, J.C. The prepositions ʿad/ʿal in Aramaic and Hebrew. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 40, 1977: 371-372. | |
Greenfield 1976 | Greenfield, J.C. A New Corpus of Aramaic Texts of the Achaemenid Period from Egypt. Journal of the American Oriental Society 96, 1976: 131-135. | |
Greenfield 1976 | Greenfield, J.C. The Aramaean God Rammān / Rimmōn. Israel Exploration Journal 26, 1976: 195-198. | |
Greenfield 1975 | Greenfield, J.C. Iranian or Semitic?. Pages 311-316Monumentum H.S. Nyberg. Acta Iranica. Hommages et Opera Minora. 1. Leiden: Brill / Téhéran-Liège: Bibliothèque Pahlavi, 1975. | |
Greenfield 1974 | Greenfield, J.C. Studies in the Legal Terminology of the Nabatean Funerary Inscriptions. Pages xiv, 64-83 in E.V. Kutscher, S. Lieberman, M.Z. Kaddari (eds.), Henoch Yalon Memorial Volume. (Bar-Ilan Departmental Researches, 2). Hebrew with an English Summary. Jerusalem, 1974. | |
Greenfield 1974 | Greenfield, J.C. Standard Literary Aramaic. Pages 280-289 in A. Caquot & D. Cohen, Actes du premier congrès international de linguistique sémitique et chamito-sémitique, Paris 16-19juillet 1969. Den Hague / Paris: Mouton, 1974. | |
Greenfield 1970 | Greenfield, J.C. [Review of Winnett and Reed 1970 (ARNA)]. Journal of Biblical Literature 89, 1970: 483-484. | |
Greenfield 1969 | Greenfield, J.C. [Review of Dahood 1965 (DUHP)]. Journal of the American Oriental Society 89, 1969: 174-178. | |
Greenfield 1969 | Greenfield, J.C. The Small Caves of Qumran [A Review Article of Baillet, Milik, de Vaux 1962 (DJD.III)]. Journal of the American Oriental Society 89, 1969: 128-141. |