Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 11761 - 11784 of 14487 in total
Sachau 1883 Sachau, E. Reise in Syrien und Mesopotamien. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1883.
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SHBG Sadaqah 2013 Sadaqah, I.S. New North Arabian "Ḥismaic" Thamudic inscriptions from Badiyah al-Ġarah in Maʿan, southern Jordan. 1. Semitica et Classica 6, 2013: 207-218.
SHNS Ṣadaqah [Sadaqah] & Ḥarāḥšah [Harahsheh] 2005 Ṣadaqah [Sadaqah], I.S. & Ḥarāḥšah [Harahsheh], R.M.A. Nuqūš ṣafawiyyah jadīdah min minṭaqah marabb al-ġanam. Adumatu 12, 2005: 45-74 [Arabic].
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WHI [Safaitic and Thamudic inscriptions and drawings in WRH (Winnett and Reed 1973)].
SESP Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme, 1995-2003, published here.
Denzau Denzau Safaitic inscriptions and rock-drawings from Jordan recorded by Gertrude & Helmut Denzau and published here