Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 11809 - 11832 of 14487 in total
Harahsheh Safaitic Harahsheh Safaitic Safaitic inscriptions recorded by Dr Rafiʿ Ḥarāḥšah in the ḥarrah of north-eastern Jordan and published here.
CEDS CEDS Safaitic inscriptions recorded by V.A. Clark on the Eastern Desert Survey and published here
Dn Safaitic Texts collected by M. Dunand and published in G. Ryckmans (ed.), Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum. Pars V. Inscriptiones Saracenicas continens, Tomus 1. Inscriptiones Safaiticae. (2 volumes). Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1950-1951.
SIWH Safar 1964 Safar, F. Inscriptions from Wadi Hauran. Sumer 20, 1964: 9-27, pls 1-3.
Safrai 1994 Safrai, Z. The Economy of Roman Palestine. London / New-York : Routlege, 1994.
Safrai 1998 Safrai, Z. The Missing Century. (Palaestina Antiqua, 9). Leuven: Peeters, 1998.
Saglio 1887 Saglio, E. Camelus (Kamèlos). Pages 856-857 in C.H. Daremberg and E. Saglio (eds.), Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines d'après les textes et les monuments. 1. Paris: Hachette, 1887.
Said AA 1995 Said, A.A. The City of Al-Sawā: an Archaeological / Historical Study. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 6, 1995: 270-276.
Saidel 2000 Saidel, B.A. A Preliminary Report on the Bedouin Ethnoarchaeological Survey Project in Southern Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 44, 2000: 569-580.
Saidel & Barakat 2007 Saidel, B.A. & Barakat, A. The Other Side of the Coin: The use of Milled Colonial Spanish Coins as Medicinal Talisman among the Bedouin and Fellahin in southern Palestine. Pages 87-92 in E.J. van der Steen & B.A. Saidel (eds), On the Fringe of Society: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives on Pastoral and Agricultural Societies. (BAR International Series, 1657). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007.
Saidel & Christopherson 2005 Saidel, B.A. & Christopherson, G.L. Four days at Khalasa: using aerial photography and GIS analysis to reappraise Woolley and Lawrence's survey of Byzantine Elusa in the western Negev desert. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 137, 2005: 53-63.
Saidel & Erickson-Gini 2014 Saidel, B.A. & Erickson-Gini, T. A note on the excavation of an Ottoman and British Mandate period Bedouin campground at Nahal Beʾerotayim West in the Negev desert, Israel. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 25, 2014: 138-145.
Saidel 2005 Saidel, B.A. On the periphery of an agricultural hinterland in the Negev highlands: Rekhes Nafha 396 in the sixth through the eighth centuries C.E.. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 64, 2005: 241-255.
Saidel & Steen 2007 Saidel, B.A. & Steen, E.J. van der On the Fringe of Society: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives on Pastoral and Agricultural Societies. (BAR International Series, 1657). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007.
Saidel 2008 Saidel, B.A. The Bedouin Tent. An ethno-archaeological portal to antiquity or a modern construct?. Pages 465-486 in H. Barnard & W. Wendrich (eds), The Archaeology of Mobility. Old World and New World Nomadism. (Cotsen Advanced Seminar Series, 4). Los Angeles, CA: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, 2008.
Saidel 2002-2004 Saidel, B.A. Vessel Functions in Agricultural and Pastoral Societies of Byzantine and Early Islamic Israel. Journal of Field Archaeology 29, 2002-2004: 437-445.
Saʿīd SA & al-Hamad 2003 Said, S.A & al-Hamad, M. A new Nabataean inscription from Umm el-Jimāl. Journal of Semitic Studies 48, 2003: 29-34.
Saʿīd SA n.d. Saʿīd, S.A. Al-lām al-zāʾidah fī "zaydul" wa "ʿabdul". Dirāsah muqāranah fī ḍawʾ al-maṣādir al-ʿarabīyah; wa-fī ḍawʾ al-kitābāt al-ʿarabīyah wa-ʾl-sāmīyah wa-ʾl-yūnānīyat al-qadīmah. [Unpublished typescript]. n.d..
Saʿīd SA 1994 Saʿīd, S.A. Das Arabische in vorislamischer Zeit: Analyse auf der Grundlage der veröffentlichten Inschriften. Inaugural-Dissertation der Philosophischen Fakultät II (Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften) der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen - Nürnberg. Erlangen: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen - Nürnberg, 1994.
Saʿīd SA & Ghul O 2007 Saʿīd, S.A. & Ghul, O. al- New Nabatean inscriptions from Umm al-Jimāl. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 18, 2007: 251-257.
Saʿīd SA & Hamad M 2004 Saʿīd, S.A. & Hamad, M. al- Three short Nabataean inscriptions from Umm al-Jimāl. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 34, 2004: 313-318.
SaDM Saʿīd [Said] ṢA 1998 Saʿīd [Said], Ṣ.A. Dirāsāt mīdāniyyah li-l-kitābāt al-qadīmah fī ʾl-bādiyyat al-šamāliyyat al-urduniyyah. (Manšūrāt Jāmiʿat Āl al-Bayt, 39). ʿAmman: Jāmiʿat Āl al-Bayt, 1418/1998.
Saʿīd SA 1999 Saʿīd, S.A. Nuqūš yūnāniyyah min al-bādiyyat al-šamāliyyat al-urduniyyah. (Manšūrāt Jāmiʿat Āl al-Bayt, 56). [Greek Inscriptions from Northern Jordanian Badia Region. ʿAmman: Jāmiʿat Āl al-Bayt, 1999.
Saʿīd SA n.d. Saʿīd, S.A. Ṣīġat afʿāll wa-ʾl-taḥawwulāt al-muḫtalifah li-hā fī ḍawʾ al-ʿarabīyah wa-ʾl-luġāt al-sāmīyah. n.d..