Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 11785 - 11808 of 14487 in total
W [Safaitic Inscriptions collected by Wetzstein but published in GT (Grimme 1929) and republished in C].
Stein A [Safaitic inscriptions copied by A. Stein and published in RVP].
Dunand Safaitic inscriptions copied by Maurice and Mireille Dunand in the basalt desert of southern Syria in the 1920s and 1930s and published in G. Ryckmans (ed.), Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum. Pars V. Inscriptiones Saracenicas continens, Tomus 1. Inscriptiones Safaiticae. (2 volumes). Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1950-1951.
Wetz II [Safaitic inscriptions copied by Wetzstein and published on pl. 2 of MHSS (Müller DH 1876) and republished in GT and in C].
Wetz I [Safaitic inscriptions copied by Wetzstein and published on the plate in Wetzstein 1860 (WRHT) and republished on Taf. I of MHSS (Müller DH 1877) and in GT and C].
Wadd [Safaitic inscriptions copied by W.H. Waddington and published in RyWad (Ryckmans G 1939) and in C].
MRA Safaitic inscriptions from Rasm ʿAmīrī (= Mithnayat Rājil, near Jawa) some of which were published in Macdonald 1989 (MCS).
SITF [Safaitic inscriptions from Tell Freiḫ recorded by F. Villeneuve and to be published by the SD].
KS Safaitic inscriptions from the "ABC outcrop" (Al-Šarariyya, or part of Jabal Ḥabā as-Siri) to be published by G.M.H. King and mentioned in MABC p. 101, 104-105, pl. 1.2.
BCDF [Safaitic Inscriptions in Bikai, Shaʿer, Fitzgerald 1994 (BBCD)].
CSI.S Safaitic inscriptions in CSI.
DV.S [Safaitic inscriptions in Dussaud and Macler 1901 (DV)].
DM.S [Safaitic inscriptions in Dussaud and Macler 1903 (DM)].
ISP [Safaitic inscriptions in Ingholy, Starcky, Ryckmans G 1951 (ISRRE)].
MISH.S [Safaitic inscriptions in MacAdam and Graf 1989 (MISH)].
TSI [Safaitic Inscriptions in TDE.I (Torrey 1931) = TSI 1-8, and TDE.II (Torrey 1932) = TSI 9].
RyBM [Safaitic Inscriptions in the British Museum published in Ryckmans G 1951 (RyBMD)].
FMNH.S [Safaitic inscriptions in the Field Museum of Natural History, to be published by the SD].
RyDamas [Safaitic Inscriptions in the Musée de Damas published in Ryckmans G 1951 (RyBMD)].
VEA.S [Safaitic inscriptions in VEA (Voigt 1981)].
V [Safaitic inscriptions in VSC.IS (Vogüé 1868-1877)].
WAM.S [Safaitic Inscriptions in WAM (Winnett 1971)]. Pages 452-454, pls 6-14
WH WH [Safaitic Inscriptions in Winnett and Harding 1978 (WIFSC)].
Kennedy DL [Safaitic inscriptions on colour slides taken by D.L. Kennedy and to be published by the SD].