Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 11881 - 11904 of 14487 in total
Salles 1987 Salles, J-F. The Arab-Persian Gulf under the Seleucids. Pages 75-109 in A. Kuhrt & S. Sherwin-White (eds), Hellenism in the East. The interaction of Greek and non-Greek civilizations from Syria to Central Asia after Alexander. London: Duckworth, 1987.
Salles 1993 Salles, J.-F. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea and the Arab-Persian Gulf. Topoi 3, 1993: 493-523.
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Salmon 1965 Salmon, J.M. Nabataean Epigraphic Materials from the Excavations. Pages 73-78, pl. 47-50 in P.C. Hammond (ed.), The Excavation of the Main Theater at Petra, 1961-1962. Final Report. Londres, 1965.
Salomies 2001 Salomies, O. Names and identities. Onomastics and prosopography. Pages 73-94 in J. Bodel (ed.), Epigraphic Evidence. Ancient history from inscriptions. (Approaching the Ancient World). London: Routledge, 2001.
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Salomon R 1997 Salomon, R. [Review of Bemman & König 1994 (BFO)]. Bulletin of the Asia Institute [NS] 11, 1997: 217-218.
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Salonen 1952 Salonen, A. Alte Substrat- und Kulturwörter im Arabischen. Studia Orientalia 17:2, 1952: 1-12.
Saluk, Nafisah, Muzainy, Ateeq, Asiri, Utaibi, Rasheed, Harbi 2005 Saluk, M.A. al-, Nafisah, A al-, Muzainy, F. al-, Ateeq, Kh.al-, Asiri &R., Utaibi, A. al-, Rasheed, F. al-, Harbi, J. al- Masḥ darb al-tijārat al-qadīm (ṭarīq al-ḥajj al-yamanī al-aʿlā «al-najdī») al-mawsim al-rābiʿ 1421 h. Atlal 18, 2005: 111-126 [Arabic section], pls 6.1-6.17.
Saluk, Rashid, Asiri, Marhun, Rajab 2005 Saluk, M.A. al-, Rashid, F.S. al-, Asiri*R.I. al-, Marhun, I. al-, Rajab, ʿA.I. Masḥ ṭarīq al-tijārat al-qadīm, minṭaqatay ʿasīr wa-ʾl-bāḥah 1420 h / 1999 m. Atlal 17, 2005: 145-156 [Arabic section], pls 6.1-6.4.
Salway 2014 Salway, B. Review of Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestinae, Volume 1, Parts 1 and 2, and volume 2. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010, 2011, 2012, . Journal of Roman Studies 104, 2014: 286-288.
Salway 1994 Salway, B. What's in a Name? A Survey of Roman Onomastic Practice from c. 700 B.C. to A.D. 700. Journal of Roman Studies 84, 1994: 124-145.
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Salzman 2002 Salzman, P.C. Pastoral Nomads: Some General Observations Based on Research in Iran. Journal of Anthropological Research 58: 2, 2002: 245-264.
Salzman 2014 Salzman, P.C. The meeting of the twain: Tribe and State. Pages 83-90 in J.H.E. Dijkstra & G. Fisher (eds), Inside and Out. Interactions between Rome and the Peoples on the Arabian and Egyptian Frontiers in Late Antiquity. (Late Antique History and Religion, 8). Louvain: Peeters, 2014.
Samaran 1961 Samaran, Charles.Dir. L'Histoire et ses méthodes. Encyclopédie de la Pléiade ; 11. 1771 p. ;. Paris : Gallimard, ,
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Samsareva 2002 Samsareva, P. Denominal Verbs in Arabic. Pages 397-407 in S. Leder with H. Kilpatrick, B. Martel-Thoumian & H. Schönig (eds), Studies in Arabic and Islam. Proceedings of the 19th Congress, Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Halle 1998. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 108). Leuven: Peeters, 2002.
Sancisi-Weerdenbur & Kuhrt 1990 Sancisi-Weerdenburg, Heleen., Drijvers, J.W. (eds.) in , Drijvers, J.W.ed., The Roots of the European Tradition: proceedings of the Groningen 1987 Achaemenid history workshop. Achaemenid History Workshop ; 5. VII-170 p. ;. Leiden : Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, ,
Sancisi-Weerdenburg 1987 Sancisi-Weerdenburg, Heleen (ed.) Sources, structures and synthesis: proceedings of the Groningen 1983 Achaemenid history workshop. (Achaemenid History Workshop; 1). xiv-196 p. ;. Leiden : Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, ,
Sancisi-Weerdenburg & Kuhrt 1988 Sancisi-Weerdenburg, Heleen., Kuhrt, Amélie (eds.) Asia Minor and Egypt: old cultures in a new empire: proceedings. Achaemenid history ; 6. XVIII-367 p. ;. Leiden : Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabige Oosten, ,
Sancisi-Weerdenburg & Kuhrt 1990 Sancisi-Weerdenburg, Heleen., Kuhrt, Amélie (eds.) in , Kuhrt, Amélie.ed., Centre and periphery: proceedings of the Groningen 1986 Achaemenid history workshop. Achaemenid History Workshop ; 4. xv-274 p. ;. Leiden : Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, ,
Sancisi-Weerdenburg & Kuhrt 1988 Sancisi-Weerdenburg, Heleen., Kuhrt, Amélie (eds.) Method and theory: proceedings of the London 1985 Achaemenid history workshop. Achaemenid History Worshop; 3. xv-228 p. ;. Leiden : Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, ,