Reference Results
Displaying citations 11953 - 11976 of 14527 in total
Breton 1993 | Breton, J-F. La territoire de Ḍura’. 1993. | |
Breton 1992 | Breton, J-F. (ed.) Fouilles de Shabwa II. Rapports préliminaires. (Institut Français d'Archéologie du Proche-Orient, Publication Hors Série, 19). Paris: Geuthner, 1992. | |
Breton 1991 | Breton, J-F. A propos de Naǧrân. Pages 59-84Etudes sud-arabes. Recueil offert à Jacques Ryckmans. Louvain: Institut orientaliste, 1991. | |
Breton 1989 | Breton, J-F. L'Orient gréco-romain et le Ḥadhramawt. Pages 173-185 in T. Fahd (ed.), L'Arabie préislamique et son environnement historiqu et culturel. Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 24-27 juin 1987. (Travaux du Centre de Recherche sur le Proche-Orient et la Grèce Antiques, 10). Leiden: Brill, 1989. | |
Breton 1988 | Breton, J-F. Arabie méridionale et Orient héllénisé. Pages 191-199 in J.-F. Salles (ed.), L'arabie et ses mers bordières: I. Itinéraires et voisinages. Séminaire de recherche 1985-1986. (Travaux de la maison de l'Orient, 16). Lyon: Maison de l'Orient, 1988. | |
Brethes 2011 | Brethes, R. Plaisir de voir et plaisir de décrire dans l'espace privé à l'époque romaine : l'ekphrasis en questions. Pages 291-314 in M. Corbier & J.-P. Guilhembet (eds), L'écriture dans la maison romaine. Paris: De Boccard, 2011. | |
Bresson & Rouillard 1993 | Bresson, Alain, Rouillard, Pierre[ed.][ed.] in A. Bresson and P. Rouillard (eds.), L'Emporion. Publications du centre Pierre Paris ; 26. 249 p.-viii pl. ;. Paris : De Boccard, 1993., | |
Bresslau & Klewitz 1931 | Bresslau, Harry, Klewitz, Hans-Walter Handbuch der Urkundenlehre für Deutschland und Italien. 2. Bd, 2. Abt.. p.393-664 ;. Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 1931. 2. Aufl., | |
Bresciani & Kamil 1966 | Bresciani, E. & Kamil, M. Le lettere aramaiche di Hermopoli. Atti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie. Classe de Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche Serie 8, 12/05/2012, 1966: 358-429, Tav. I-X. | |
Bresciani 1997 | Bresciani, E. Incenso mirra e cinnamomo. Prodotti esotica nella farmacopea egiziana antica. Pages 449-459 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Profumi d'Arabia. Atti del convegno. (Saggi di Storia Antica, 11). Roma: “L'Erma” di Bretschneider, 1997. | |
BRenv.K | BRenv.K | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 in the environs of the water tower at Biʾr al-Ruṣayʿī. |
BRenv.J | BRenv.J | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at an outcrop and cairn approximately 30 m south of the Rushaydah–Zalaf road, 1.2 km east of the water tower at Biʾr al-Ruṣayʿī, and published here. |
BRenv.H | BRenv.H | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at a number of elaborate Ahl al-Ǧabal graves with "wings", one with a desert mosque attached, some 80 m south of the water tower at Biʾr al-Ruṣayʿī, and published here. |
BRenv.G | BRenv.G | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at a low outcrop and cairn in the environs of the water tower at Biʾr al-Ruṣayʿī, and published here. |
BRenv.E | BRenv.E | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at a cairn on the right bank of Wādī al-Shām, some 80 m north of the water tower at Biʾr al-Ruṣayʿī, and published here. |
BRenv.B | BRenv.B | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at a small outcrop approximately 150 m north of the left bank of Wādī al-Shām, north-west of the water-tower at Biʾr al-Ruṣayʿī, and published here. |
BRenv.A | BRenv.A | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995, at a small outcrop on the left bank of Wādī al-Shām, north-west of the water-tower at Biʾr al-Ruṣayʿī, and published here. |
Brentjes 1999 | Brentjes, B. Caravan Routes through Central Asia. Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 43, 1999: 215-228. | |
Brentjes 1967 | Brentjes, Burchard Völker beiderseits des Jordans. Amelang, 1967.. Leipzig : Koehler, | |
Brentjes 1960 | Brentjes, B. Das Kamel in Alten Orient. Klio 38, 1960: 23-52. | |
Brent 1973 | Brent, P. Far Arabia. Explorers of the Myth. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973. | |
Brennan 1998 | Brennan, P.M. The Last of the Romans: Roman Identity and the Roman Army in the Late Roman Near East. Mediterranean Archaeology 11, 1998: 191-203. | |
Breniquet 2002 | Breniquet, C. Animals in Mesopotamian Art. Pages 145-168 in B.J. Collins (ed.), A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section One: The Near and Middle East, 64). Leiden: Brill, 2002. | |
Brend 1991 | Brend, B. Islamic Art. London: British Museum, 1991. |