Reference Results

Displaying citations 11977 - 12000 of 14520 in total
Bravmann 1979 Bravmann, M.M. Some Motifs and Terms in Arabian Fatalism. Le Muséon 92, 1979: 171-195.
Bravmann 1977 Bravmann, M.M. ʿAlqamahʾs Warning of the Approach of an Enemy. Pages 574-592 in M.M. Bravmann (ed.), Studies in Semitic Philology. Leiden: Brill, 1977.
Bravmann 1977 Bravmann, M.M. Some Specific Forms of Hypotaxis in Ancient Arabic. Pages 295-321 in M.M. Bravmann (ed.), Studies in Semitic Philology. Leiden: Brill, 1977.
Bravmann 1977 Bravmann, M. M. Studies in Semitic philology. Studies in semitic languages and linguistics ; 6. ix-597 p. ;. Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1977.,
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Bravmann 1977 Bravmann, M.M. The Origin of Some Arabic Pronouns. A: The Object Pronouns formed with īyā-; B: The Relative Pronoun allaḏī; C: The Demonstrative Pronoun ḏālika and Related Forms. Pages 182-194 in M.M. Bravmann (ed.), Studies in Semitic Philology. Leiden: Brill, 1977.
Bravmann 1972 Bravmann, M.M. The Spiritual Background of Early Islam. Studies in Ancient Arab Concepts. Leiden: Brill, 1972.
Bravmann 1971 Bravmann, M.M. The Origin of the Arabic Object Pronouns formed with “iya-”. Journal of Semitic Studies 16, 1971: 50-52.
Bravmann 1951 Bravmann, M.M. On the Spiritual Background of Early Islam and the History of its Principle Concepts. Le Muséon 64, 1951: 317-356.
Bravmann 1938 Bravmann, Meïr M. “Le Monde oriental" ;. Über i als Hilfsvokal im Wortinnern: eine Untersuchung zum Verhältnis von Akzent und Vokal im Semitischen. 102 p. ;. Uppsala : Akademiska Bokhandeln, 1938.,
Bräunlich 1924 Bräunlich, E. The Well in Ancient Arabia. Islamica 1, 1924: 41-76, 288-343, 454-528.
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Braund 1996 Braund, D. River frontiers in the environmental psychology of the Roman world. Pages 43-47 in D.L. Kennedy (ed.), The Roman Army in the East. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 18). Ann Arbor, MI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1996.
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