Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 2161 - 2184 of 14487 in total
Blau J 1972 Blau, J. Proto-Semitic *ʾīθay and *yiš “Being” (Marginalia Semitica II.2). Pages 58-62In Memoriam Samuel Miklós Stern 1920-1969. (Israel Oriental Studies, 2). Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, 1972.
Blau J 1972 Blau, J. Proto-Semitic mẓʾ / mṭʾ “arrive” (Marginalia Semitica II.4). Pages 67-72In Memoriam Samuel Miklós Stern 1920-1969. (Israel Oriental Studies, 2). Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, 1972.
Blau J & Reif 1992 Blau, J. & Reif, C. (eds) Genizah Research after Ninety Years: the Case of Judaeo-Arabic. (University of Cambridge Oriental Publications, 47). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Blau J 1979-1980 Blau, J. Short Philological Notes on the Inscription of Mešaʿ. Maarav 02/02/2012, 1979-1980: 143-157.
Blau J 1973 Blau, J. Sind uns Reste arabischer Bibelübersetzungen aus vorislamischer Zeit erhalten geblieben?. Le Muséon 86, 1973: 67-72.
Blau J 1982 Blau, J. Some Additions, Mostly from Judeo-Arabic, to Dozy's Supplément. Jewish Quarterly Review 73, 1982: 112-123.
Blau J 1979 Blau, J. Some Observations on a Middle Arabic Egyptian text in Coptic Characters. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 1, 1979: 215-262.
Blau J 1980 Blau, J. Studies in Arabic Morphology and Syntax. I. On Some Early Arabic Dialectal Forms of Verba I w in their Linguistic Setting. 2. The Stretching of Ingressive Verbs to Duratives in Various Layers of Arabic. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 2, 1980: 351-364.
Blau J 1971 Blau, J. Studies in Hebrew Verb Formation. Hebrew Union College Annual 42, 1971: 133-158.
Blau J 1988 Blau, J. The beginnings of the Arabic diglossia. A study of the origins of Neoarabic. Pages 1-38 in J. Blau, Studies in Middle Arabic and its Judaeo-Arabic Variety. Reprinted with additions (1988) from Afroasiatic Linguistics 4/4 (1977): 1-28. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1988.
Blau J 1981 Blau, J. The Emergence and Linguistic Background of Judaeo-Arabic. A Study of the Origins of Middle Arabic. [Second edition]. Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East, 1981 [2nd edition].
Blau J 1961 Blau, J. The Importance of Middle Arabic Dialects for the History of Arabic. Studies in Islamic History and Civilization. (Scripta Hierosolymitana, 9). Reprinted as pp. 61-84 in J. Blau, Studies in Middle Arabic and its Judaeo-Arabic Variety. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1988. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1961.
Blau J 2003 Blau, J. The importance of Middle Arabic for the understanding of the history of Neo-Arabic. Pages 111-117 in J. Lentin & A. Lonnet (eds), Mélanges David Cohen. Études sur le langage, les langues, les dialectes, les littératures, offertes par ses élèves, ses collègues, ses amis présentées à l'occasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire. Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 2003.
Blau J 1986 Blau, J. The Jāhiliyya and the Emergence of the Neo-Arabic Lingual Type. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 7, 1986: 35-43.
Blau J 2001 Blau, J. The Linguistic Character of Saadia Gaon's Translation of the Pentateuch. Oriens 36, 2001
Blau J 1980 Blau, J. The Parallel Development of the Feminine Ending -at in Semitic Languages. Hebrew Union College Annual 51, 1980: 17-28.
Blau J 1981 Blau, J. The Renaissance of modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic: parallels and differences in the revival of two semitic languages. University of California publications. Near Eastern studies ; 18. vii-260 p. ;. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1981., 1981.
Blau J 1963 Blau, J. The Role of the Bedouins as Arbiters in Linguistic Questions and the masʾala az-zunbūriyya. Journal of Semitic Studies 8, 1963: 42-51.
Blau J 1981 Blau, J. The State of Research in the Field of the Linguistic Study of Middle Arabic. Arabica 28/02/2003, 1981: 187-203.
Blau J 1999 Blau, J. The status and linguistic structure of Middle Arabic. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 23, 1999: 221-227.
Blau J 1972 Blau, J. Two Notes on the Numerals in Ugaritic (Marginalia Semitica II.1). Pages 78-82In Memoriam Samuel Miklós Stern 1920-1969. (Israel Oriental Studies, 2). Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, 1972.
Blau J 1989 Blau, J. Two studies of Sîbawahi's Kitâb. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 12, 1989: 1-30.
Blau J 1972 Blau, J. Ugaritic ibbu, an Akkadian Loan-Word; on Substantivized Adjectives in Construct in Ugaritic (Marginalia Semitica II.6). Pages 74-78In Memoriam Samuel Miklós Stern 1920-1969. (Israel Oriental Studies, 2). Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, 1972.
Blau J 1988 Blau, J. Vernacular Arabic as Reflected by Middle Arabic (including Judaeo-Arabic). Pages 8Abstracts of the Papers presented to the 14th Congress of U.E.A.I., Budapest 1988, 29- August — 3 September. 1988.