Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 2113 - 2136 of 14487 in total
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Blagg 1990 Blagg, T.F.C. Column Capitals with Elephant-Head Volutes at Petra. Levant 22, 1990: 131-137.
Blair 1996 Blair, S. Islamic Inscriptions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1996.
Blaise 1986 Blaise, Albert Dictionnaire latin-français des auteurs chrétiens. 913 p. ;. Turnhout : Brepols, 1986.,
Blaise 1975 Blaise, Albert Lexicon latinitatis Medii Aevi = Dictionnaire latin-français des auteurs français du Moyen-Age. Corpus christianorum. Continuatio Mediaeulis. LXVIII-928 p. ;. Turnholti : Brepols, 1975.,
Blake 1942 Blake, F.R. Lihyanic and Thamudic b 'son': being 10 in Studies in Semitic Grammar II. Journal of the American Oriental Society 62, 1942: 116.
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Blake 1942 Blake, F.R. Studies in Semitic Grammar II. Journal of the American Oriental Society 62, 1942: 109-118.
Blake 1942 Blake, F.R. The Lihyanic Article: being 12 in Studies in Semitic Grammar II. Journal of the American Oriental Society 62, 1942: 117.
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Blanchard 1989 Blanchard, Alain (ed.) Les Débuts du codex: actes. Bibliologia ; 9. 200 p. :. Turnhout : Brepols, 1989.,
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Blau J 1994 Blau, J. A Melkite Arabic literary lingua franca from the second half of the first millennium. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 57, 1994: 14-16.