Reference Results

Displaying citations 2113 - 2136 of 14522 in total
Serjeant 1981 Serjeant, R.B. {Review of} J.R.L. Carter, Leading merchant families of Saudi Arabia. (London: Scorpion, 1979). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 44, 1981: 370.
Serjeant 1979 Serjeant, R.B. Customary Law Documents as a Source of History. Pages 99-103 in A.T. al-Ansary, A.M. Abdalla, S. al-Sakkar, R.T. Mortel (eds), Studies in the History of Arabia. 1. Sources for the History of Arabia. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Studies in the History of Arabia, 23rd. —28th of April 1977, sponsored by the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Part 2. Riyadh: University of Riyadh Press, 1979 [1981].
Serjeant 1978 Serjeant, R.B. {Review of} H. Reintjens, Die soziale Stellung der Frau bei den nordarabischen Beduinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Ehe- und Familienverhältnisse (Bonner Orientalistische Studien, N.S 30, Bonn: Harrassowitz, 1975). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 41, 1978: 381.
Serjeant 1977 Serjeant, R.B. South Arabia. Pages 221-247 in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze (ed.), Commoners, Climbers and Notables. A Sampler of Studies on Social Ranking in the Middle East. [‘This the English original of a lecture in French delivered at the Sorbonne in 1967, with subsequent revisions and additions. The French version was published in /Arabica/, 1967 (xiv, iv, 284-97) under the title of “Société et gouvernement en Arabie du s. Leiden: Brill, 1977.
Serjeant 1976 Serjeant, R.B. South Arabian Hunt. London: Luzac, 1976.
Serjeant 1974 Serjeant, R.B. The Ports of Aden amd Shihr (Mediaeval Period). Pages 207-224Les grandes escales. I. Antiquité et moyen âge. Colloque organisé par la société Jean Bodin en collaboration avec la commission internationale d'histoire maritime (10e Colloque d'Histoire maritime). (Recueils de la société Jean Bodin pour l'histoire comparative des institutions, 32). Bruxelles: Société Jean Bodin, 1974.
Serjeant 1971 Serjeant, R.B. The “White Dune” at Abyan: an Ancient Place of Pilgrimage in Southern Arabia. Journal of Semitic Studies 16, 1971: 74-83.
Serjeant 1962 Serjeant, R.B. Sex, Birth, Circumcision: Some notes from South-West Arabia. Pages 193-208Hermann von Wissmann-Festschrift. Tübingen:, 1962.
Serjeant 1962 Serjeant, R.B. Haram and Hawtah, the Sacred Enclave in Arabia. Pages 41-58 in A. Badawi (ed.), Mélanges Taha Hussain. Reprinted in F.E. Peters (ed.), The Arabs and Arabia on the Eve of Islam . (The Formation of the Classical Islamic World, 3). Aldershot: Ashgate,1996: 167-184. Cairo:, 1962.
Serjeant 1960 Serjeant, R.B. {Review of} R.L. Bowen, Jr. and F.P. Albright, Archaeological discoveries in South Arabia. (PAFSM 2. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, [1958]). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 23, 1960: 582-585.
Serjeant 1960 Serjeant, R.B. {Review of} J. Pirenne, À la découverte de l'Arabie: cinq siècles de science et d'aventure (L'Aventure du Passé. [Paris]: Le Livre Contemporain, [1958]. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 23, 1960: 423.
Serjeant 1959 Serjeant, R.B. [Review of Thilo 1958 (Die Ortsnamen in der altarabischen Poesie)]. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 22, 1959: 612.
Serjeant 1959 Serjeant, R.B. Ukhdūd. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 22, 1959: 572-573.
Serjeant 1959 Serjeant, R.B. Miḥrāb. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 22, 1959: 439-453.
Serjeant 1954 Serjeant, R.B. Star-Calendars and an Almanac from South-West Arabia. Anthropos 49, 1954: 433-459.
Serjeant 1951 Serjeant, R.B. South Arabian Poetry. I. Prose and Poetry from Ḥaḍramawt. Edited, collated and corrected with an introductory preface. Calligraphy by ʿAlī Ḥasan Ibrāhīm and ʿAbd al-Munʿim ʿAbd al-Laṭīf Awaḍ. London: Taylor's Foreign Press, 1951.
Serjeant Serjeant, R.B. The Two Yemens: Historical Perspectives and Present Attitudes. Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society
Serjeant Serjeant, R.B. Maritime customary law off the Arabian coasts. Pages 195-207 in M. Mollat (ed.), Sociétés et compagnies de commerce en orient et dans l'Océan Indien. Actes du huitième colloque international d'histoire maritime (Beyrouth — 5-10 septembre 1966). (Bibliothèque Générale de l'École Pratique des hautes Études. VIe Section).
Seray 1997 Seray, H. The Arabian Gulf in Syriac Sources. New Arabian Studies 4, 1997: 205-332.
Serangeli 1980 Serangeli, Flavia Insediamento e urbanizzazione nella Palestina del Bronzo antico. Quaderni di geografia storica ; 2. 340 p.-ix pl. :. Roma : Istituto del Vicino Oriente, ,
Sérandour 1997 Sérandour, A. (ed.) Des Sumériens aux Romains d'Orient. La perception géographique du monde. Espaces et territoires au Proche-Orient ancien. Actes de la table ronde du 16 novembre 1996 organisée par l'URA 1062 “Études sémitiques”. (Antiquités Sémitiques, 2). Paris: Maisonneuve, 1997.
Sen 1941 Sen, S. Old Persian Inscriptions of the Achaemenian Emperors. Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1941.
Semple 2005 Semple, C. The Maria Theresa Thaler. Bulletin of The Society for Arabian Studies 10, 2005
Semaan 1963 Semaan, Kh.I. Arabic Phonetics. Ibn Sīnā's Risālah on the points of articulation of the speech-sounds translated from Medieval Arabic. (Arthur Jeffery Memorial Monographs, 2). Lahore: Ashraf, 1963.