Reference Results

Displaying citations 2017 - 2040 of 14522 in total
Sharaf al-Dīn see also Sharafaddin
Sharaf al-Dīn 1967 Sharaf al-Dīn, Aḥmad Ḥusayn Târikh al-yaman al-thaqäfî. 4 vol. ;. Cairo : Matba'at al-Kaylânî al-Saghir, ,
Sharafaddin see also Sharaf al-Dīn
Sharafaddin 1977 Sharafaddin, A.H. Some Islamic inscriptions discovered on the Darb Zubayda. Atlal 1, 1977: 69-70, pls 49-50.
Shapira 2004 Shapira, A. mi-midbar śīn — ʿal ha-samēk ha-nniktobōt b-śīn. Aqadēm 26, 2004
Shanks 1998 Shanks, H. The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls. New York: Random House, 1998.
Shanks 1984 Shanks, Hershel (eds.) Recent archaeology in the land of Israel. xii-194 p. :. Jerusalem : Israel Exploration Society ; ,
Shanklin & Dark 1953 Shanklin, W.M. & Dark, A.J. Two Skulls from Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 2, 1953: 57-61, pl. 7.
Shams 1988 Shams, M.ʿA. Hatra: the Arab Capital. (Scientific Heritage, 7). [English title of a book in Arabic entitled Al-Ḥaḍr al-ʿāṣimat al-ʿarabiya]. Baghdad: University of Baghdad, Centre of Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage, 1988.
Shams 1981 Shams, M.ʿA. al- @. Sumer 37, 1981: @.
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Shalem 1995 Shalem, A. Biʾr al-Waraqa: Legend and Truth. A Note on Medieval Sacred Geography. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127, 1995: 50-61.
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Shahri & King n.d. Shahri, A.A.M al- & King, G.M.H. The Dhofar Epigraphic Project. A Description of the Inscriptions Recorded in 1991 and 1992. [unpublished report to be published by the Sultanate of Oman]. n.d..
Shahri 1994 Shahri, A.A.A.M. al- Kayfa ibtadaynā wa-kayfa irtaqaynā bi-ʾl-ḥaḍārat al-insāniyyahi min šibh al-ǧazīrat al-ʿarabiyyah. Ẓafār, kitābāt-hā wa-nuqūš-hā ʾl-qadīmah. [Privately published. Printed by al-Ghurair, Dubai]. 1994.
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Shahid 2009 Shahid, I. The Ethnic Origin of the Edomites. Pages 133-136 in F. Al-Khraysheh (ed.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. X. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 2009.
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Shahîd 1995 Shahîd, I. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century. (2 volumes). Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1995.
Shahîd 1989 Shahîd, I. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1989.