Reference Results

Displaying citations 1945 - 1968 of 14522 in total
Sholan & Gajda 2015 Sholan, A. & Gajda, I. A new Ḥimyaritic inscription from Šibām Kawkabān dated to the year 487 of the Ḥimyaritic era. Pages 161-169 in I. Gerlach (ed.), South Arabia and its Neighbours. Phenomena of Intercultural Contacts. 14. Rencontres Sabéennes. (Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 14). Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2015.
Sholan, Antonini & Arbach 2009 Sholan, A., Antonini, S. & Arbach, M. Sabaean Studies. Archaeological, epigraphical and historical studies in honour of Yūsuf M. ʿAbdallāh, Alessandro de Maigret, Christian J. Robin on the occasion of their sixtieth birthdays. (Orient et Méditerranée, 4). Paris: De Boccard, 2009.
Sholan 2009 Sholan, A.M. dirāsah taḥlīlīyah li-naqš sabaʾī jadīd min al-matḥaf al-waṭanī bi-ṣanʿāʾ. Pages 51-63 [Arabic section] in A. Sholan, S. Antonini & M. Arbach (eds), Sabaean Studies. Archaeological, epigraphical and historical studies in honour of Yūsuf M. ʿAbdallāh, Alessandro de Maigret, Christian J. Robin on the occasion of their sixtieth birthdays. (Orient et Méditerranée, 4). Paris: De Boccard, 2009.
Sholan 2006 Sholan, A.M. Dirāsah taḥlīliyyah maʿīniyy ǧadīd. ʾAbǧadiyyāt 1, 2006: 14-21.
Sholan 2005 Sholan, A. An Analytical Study of a New Sabaic Inscription on a Censer. Pages 19-34 [Arabic section] 104 [English Summary] in O. Ghul & A. Zeyadeh (eds), roceedings of Yarmouk Second Annual Colloquium on Epigraphy and Ancient Writings 7th — 9th October, 2003. Irbid: Department of Epigraphy, Faculty of Archaeology & Anthropology, Yarmouk University, 2005.
Sholan 2003 Sholan, A. M. A Sabaean Inscription from Gadran: A Linguistic Analysis and Signification (in Arabic). Adumatu 7, 2003: 65-74.
Sholan 2002 Sholan, A.M. naqš ǧadīd min nuqūš Ḏī samāwī. Adumatu 6, 2002: 7-14 [Arabic section].
Sholan 2002 Sholan, A.M. Naqš sabaʾī ǧadīd min ǧadrān. Dirāsah taḥlīliyyah fī dalālāt-hu ʾl-luġawiyyah. Adumatu 7, 2002: 65-72.
Sholan 2002 Sholan, A. M. A New Inscription among the Inscriptions of Ḏ Smwy. Adumatu 6, 2002
Shoemaker 2012 Shoemaker, S.J. Muḥammad and the Qurʾān. Pages 1078-1110 in S.F. Johnson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Shiyyab 2008 Shiyyab, A. Preliminary Report on the First Season of Central Petra Excavations. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 52, 2008: 105-108.
Shivtiel, Lockwood, Serjeant 1983 Shivtiel, A., Lockwood, W., Serjeant, R.B. The Jews of Ṣanʿāʾ. Pages 391-431 in Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. (eds), Ṣanʿāʾ. An Arabian Islamic City. Reprinted in 2013 by Melisende, London. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983.
Shivtiel 1995 Shivtiel, A. [Review of Peled 1992 (PCSCA)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 40, 1995: 183-184.
Shivtiel 1993 Shivtiel, A. Root-Dictionary or Alphabetical Dictionary: A Methodological Dilemma. The Arabist. Budapest Studies in Arabic 06/07/2012, 1993: 13-25.
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Shivtiel 1985 Shivtiel, A. [Review of Piamenta 1985 (PMCG)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 30, 1985: 345-346.
Shitomi 2009 Shitomi, Y. Une hypothèse sur l'identité des Tababiʿa: une interprétation posterieure de la relation Ḥimyarito-Aksumite. Pages 443-458 in A. Sholan, S. Antonini & M. Arbach (eds), Sabaean Studies. Archaeological, epigraphical and historical studies in honour of Yūsuf M. ʿAbdallāh, Alessandro de Maigret, Christian J. Robin on the occasion of their sixtieth birthdays. (Orient et Méditerranée, 4). Paris: De Boccard, 2009.
Shitomi 1997 Shitomi, Y. A New Interpretation of the Monumentum Adulitanum. Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 55, 1997: 81-102.
Shitomi 1991 Shitomi, Y. Réexamen de deux lettres sttribuées à Siméon de Bēth-Aršām relatives à la persécution de Nagram. Pages 207-224 in [no ed.], Etudes sud-arabes, recueil offert à Jacques Ryckmans. Université de Louvain, Institut orientaliste. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1991.
Shitomi 1991 Shitomi, Y. De la chronologie de la persécution de Naǧrān. Orient 26, 1991: 27-42.
Shir 1990 Shir, Addi Al-Sayyid A Dictionary of Persian loan-words in the Arabic language. 194 p. ;. [S. l.] : Librairie du Liban, 1990., 1990.
Shipman 2002 Shipman, J. Aubrey Rickards: Winged Pioneer. The British-Yemeni Society Journal 10, 2002: 38-45.
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Shipman 1999 Shipman, J. Marib and Timna by an unknown artist. The British-Yemeni Society Journal 7, 1999: 37-40.