Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 1969 - 1992 of 14487 in total
Bernal 1987 Bernal, Martin Black Athena, The Afroasiatic roots of classical civilization volume I: The fabrication of Ancient Greece 1785-1985. xxxii-575 p. ;. London : Free association books, 1987.,
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Bernand 1977 Bernand, A. Pan du désert. Leiden: Brill, 1977.
Bernand, Drewes * Schneider R 1991 Bernand, E., Drewes, A.J. & Schneider, R. Recueil des inscriptions de l'Éthiopie des périodes pré-axoumite et axoumite. Introduction de F. Anfray. 2 volumes. Paris : de Boccard, 1991.
Bernard P, Grenet, Rapin 1996 Bernard, P, Grenet, F., Rapin, C. De Bactres à Taxila. Nouvelles données de géographie historique. Topoi 6, 1996: 457-530.
Bernard P 1990 Bernard, P. Vicissitudes au gré de l'histoire d'une statue en bronze d'Héraclès entre Séleucie du Tigre et la Mésène. Journal des Savants 1990
Bernards 1989 Bernards, M.P.L.M. The Reception of the Kitāb Sībawayh among the Early Arab Grammarians. Pages 23-28 in K.D. Dutz (ed.), Speculum historiographiae linguisticae. Kurzbeiträge der IV. Internationalen Konferenz zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften (ICHoLS IV) Trier, 24. - 27. August 1987. Münster: Nodus, 1989.
Bernard V, Callot, Salles 1991 Bernard, V., Callot, O., Salles, J.F. L'Eglise d'al Qousour Failaka, Etat de Koweit: Rapport préliminaire sur une première campagne de fouilles, 1989. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 2, 1991: 145-181.
Bernard V & Salles 1991 Bernard, V. & Salles, J.F. Discovery of a Christian Church at Al-Qusur, Failaka (Kuwait). Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 21, 1991: 7-21.
Bernays 1862 Bernays, J. Ein nabatäischer Schriftsteller. Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 17, 1862: 304-305.
Bernbeck 2008 Bernbeck, R. An Archaeology of Multisited Communities. Pages 43-77 in H. Barnard & W. Wendrich (eds), The Archaeology of Mobility. Old World and New World Nomadism. (Cotsen Advanced Seminar Series, 4). Los Angeles, CA: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, 2008.
Bernini & Brugnatelli 1987 Bernini, Giuliano., Brugnatelli, Vermondo (eds.) Atti. Quaderni della collana di linguistica storica e descrittiva. 247 p. ;. Milano : Ed. Unicopli, 1987.,
Bernoville 1868 Bernoville, R. Dix jours en Palmyrène. Paris:, 1868.
Bernstein et al. 2001 Bernstein, M. et al. 2001 Qumran Cave 4. XXVIII. Miscellanea, Part 2. By Bernstein M., Brady M.,Charlesworth J., Flint P., Misgav H., Pfann S., Schuller E., Tigchelaar E.J.C., Vanderkam J. In consultation with J. Vanderkam & M. Brady. (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, XXVIII). Bound with Wadi Daliyeh II. The Samaria Papyri from Wadi Daliyeh. Oxford: Clarendon, 2001.
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Bernus M 1972 Bernus, M. [Review of Harding 1971 (Hln)]. Syria 49, 1972: 269-270.
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Bersina = Berzina Bersina, S.Ya
Bersina 1988 Bersina, S.Ya Ancient and Mediaeval Monuments of Civilization of Southern Arabia. Investigation and Conservation Problems. A Collection of articles based on materials of the conference on “Conservation and restoration of Old Sanʿa and other ancient and mediaeval monuments of civilization of Southern Arabia” held in November 1985 in State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow. Tran. Moscow: Nauka, 1988.
Bersina 1988 Bersina, S.Ya In the Ways of Sarapis, Isis and Harpokrates. Pages 92-113, pl. 26-43 in S. Ya. Bersina (ed.), Ancient and Mediaeval Monuments of Civilization of Southern Arabia. Investigation and Conservation Problems. A Collection of articles based on materials of the conference on “Conservation and restoration of Old Sanʿa and other ancient and mediaeval monuments of civilization of Southern Arabia” held in November 1985 in State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow. Tran. Moscow: Nauka, 1988.
Bertolino 1995 Bertolino, R. La cronologia di Hatra. Interazione di archeologia e di epigrafia. agli AIUON vol. 55 (1995), fasc. 2. (Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Supplemento, 83). Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1995.
Bertolino 1996 Bertolino, R. La paléographie hatréenne et ses rapports avec les écritures araméennes du Golfe persique et de l'Iran. ARAM 8, 1996: 307–313.