Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 1921 - 1944 of 14487 in total
Bengtson & Milojcic 1958 Bengtson, Hermann, Milojcic, Vladimir. Grosser historischer Weltatlas: Vorgeschichte und Altertum. 2 vol., 122 col.,VIII-44 p. :. München : Bayerischer Schulbuch, 1958. 3. und 4. aufl.(1958, 1963),
Bengtsson 1995 Bengtsson, P.A. Two Arabic Versions of the Book of Ruth/. Text Edition and Language Studies. (Studia Orientalia Lundensis, 6). Lund: Lund University Press, 1995.
Ben-Hayyim 1988 Ben-Hayyim, Ze'ev Tibåt Mårqe: a collection of samaritan midrashim. Publications of the Israel academy of sciences and humanities. Section of humanities. V-411 p. ;. Jerusalem : Israel academy of sciences and humanities, 1988.,
Bénichou-Safar 2010 Bénichou-Safar, H. Les inscriptions puniques du sanctuaire de Sousse. Semitica et Classica 3, 2010: 99-123.
Bennet 1982 Bennet, C.M. Excavations at tawilan Southern Jordan 1982. Liber Annuus 32, 1982: 482-487.
Bennet 1981 Bennet, C.M. The British Institute at Amman for Archaeology and History. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 25, 1981: 339-340.
Bennett 1965 Bennet, C.M. Tombs of the Roman Period. Pages 516-545 in K.M. Kenyon, Excavations at Jericho. 2. London: British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, 1965.
Bennet J 2008 Bennet, J. Now You See It; Now You Don't! The Disappearance of the Linear A Script on Crete. in . Baines, J. Bennet & S. Houston (eds), The Disappearance of Writing Systems: Perspectives on Literacy and Communication. London: Equinox, 2008.
Bennett 2014 Bennett, C. Geographic and religious trends in the pre-Islamic religious beliefs of the North Arabian nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 44, 2014: 43-52.
Bennett 1980 Bennett, C.M. A Graeco-Nabataean Sanctuary on Umm el-Biyara. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 24, 1980: 209-212, pl. 134-135.
Bennett 1973 Bennett, C.M. An Unusual Cup from Petra (Southern Jordan). Levant 8, 1973: 131-133.
Bennett & DL Kennedy 1978 Bennett, C.M. & Kennedy, D.L. A New Roman Military Incription from Petra. Levant 10, 1978: 163-165.
Bennett 1962 Bennett, C.M. The Nabataeans in Petra. Archaeology 15, 1962: 233-243.
Benoist 2007 Benoist, A. An Iron Age II snake cult in the Oman peninsula: evidence from Bithnah (Emirate of Fujairah). Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 18, 2007: 34-54.
Benoist 2010 Benoist, A. Authority and Religion in South East Arabia during the Iron Age: A review of architecture and material from the columned halls and cultic sites. Pages 109-141 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Eastern Arabia in the First Millennium BC. (Arabia Antica, 6). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider, 2010.
Benoist, Charbonnier, Mouton & Schiettecatte 2014 Benoist, A., Charbonnier, J., Mouton, M. & Schiettecatte, J. Building G at Makaynūn: a late pre-Islamic settlement above the ruins of a South Arabian town. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 25, 2014: 80-95.
Benoist, Cordoba, Mouton 1997 Benoist, A., Cordoba, J., Mouton, M. The Iron Age in al-Madam (Sharjah, UAE): some notes on three seasons of work. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 27, 1997: 59-73.
Benoist 2010 Benoist, A. Fouilles à Masāfī-3 en 2009 (Émirat de Fujayrah, Émirats Arabes Unis): premières observations à propos d'un espace cultuel de l'Age du Fer nouvellement découvert en Arabie orientale. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 40, 2010: 119-130.
Benoist 2013 Benoist, A. La vallée de Bithnah au cours de l'Age du Fer. (British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs, 14). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2013.
Benoist, Lavigne, Mouton & Schiettecatte 2007 Benoist, A., Lavigne, O., Mouton, M. & Schiettecatte, J. Chronologie et évolution de l'architecture à Makaynūn: la formation d'un centre urbain à l'époque sudarabique dans le Ḥaḍramawt. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 37, 2007: 17-35.
Benoist & Mouton 1994 Benoist, A. & Mouton, M. L'Age du fer dans la plaine d'al-Madam (Sharjah, EAU): prospection et fouilles récentes. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 24, 1994: 1-12.
Benoist, Mouton, Schiettecatte 2003 Benoist, A., Mouton, M., Schiettecatte, J. The artefacts from the fort at Mleiha: distribution, origins, trade and dating. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 33, 2003: 59-76.
Benoist, Pillault & Skorupka 2012 Benoist, A., Pillault, S. & Skorupka, M. Rituels associés au symbole du serpent en Arabie orientale au cours de l'Âge du Fer (1200-300 avant J.C.) : l'exemple de Bithnah (Émirat de Fujairah). Pages 381-430 in I. Sachet (ed.), Dieux et déesses d'Arabie: Images et représentations. Actes de la table ronde tenue au Collège de France (Paris) les 1er et 2 octobre 2007. (Orient & Méditerranée, 7). Paris: De Boccard, 2012.
Benoit 1988 Benoit, Pierre Un siècle d'archéologie à l'Ecole Biblique de Jérusalem: 1890-1990. 52 p. :. Jérusalem : Ecole Biblique et archéologique, 1988.,