Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 1993 - 2016 of 14487 in total
Bertolino 1997 Bertolino, R. Les inscriptions hatréennes de Doura-Europos : étude épigraphique. Pages 199-206 in P. Leriche & M. Gelin (eds), Doura - Europos Études IV 1991-1993. (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 149). Beyrouth: IFAPO, 1997.
Bertolino 2000 Bertolino, R. Les inscriptions hatréennes : un bilan. Topoi 10, 2000: 217-227.
Bertolino 2008 Bertolino, R, Manuel d'épigraphie hatrénne. Paris: Geuthner, 2008.
Bertolino, Metzger, Kaizer, Peruzzetto & Venco 2000 Bertolino, R., Metzger, F.D., Kaizer, T., Peruzzetto, A. & Venco, R.R. Hatra. Cità del Sole. Catalogue of an exhibition held at Spazio Mostre San Filippo, Torino, 16 June – 9 July 2000, and Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli, 15 December – 5 January 2002. Torino: Ambrosetti, 2000.
Bertou 1839 Bertou, J. de Dépression de la vallée du Jourdain et du lac Asphalite. Bulletin de la Société de géographie 2ème série, 12, 1839: 113-166.
Bertou 1839 Bertou, J. de Itinéraire de la mer Morte à Akaba par les Wadys-el-Ghor, el-Araba et el-Akaba, et retour à Hébron par Petra. Bulletin de la Société de géographie 2ème série, 11, 1839: 274-331.
Bertou 1839 Bertou, J. de Notes on a Journey from Jerusalem by Hebron, the Dead Sea, El Ghór, and Wádí ʾArabah to ʾAḳabah, and back by Petra ; in April, 1838. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 9, 1839: 277-286.
Berzina = Bersina Berzina, S.Ya
Berzina 1994 Berzina, S.Ya. Yuzhnaya Araviya i Greko-rimskij Egipet: kulturnye svyazi v pamyatnikakh iskusstva [Southern Arabia and Greko-Roman [sic] Egypt: Cultural Relations Reflected in Art Monuments]. Pages 202-222 in E.E. Kormisheva and A.V. Sedov (eds), Krasnomorskie Zametki. I [Red Sea Essays. I]. Papers on the History of Civilisation of the Ancient Southern Arabia. [In Russian]. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1994.
Besançon 2010 Besançon, J. Géographie, environnements et potentiels productifs de la région de Pétra (Jordanie). Pages 19-71 + map on inside back cover in P-L. Gatier, B. Geyer & M-O Rousset (eds), Entre nomades et sédentaires. Prospections en Syrie du Nord et en Jordanie du Sud. P-L. Gatier, B. Geyer & M-O Rousset (eds). (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 55. Conquête de la steppe 3). Lyon: Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2010.
Beschaouch 2011 Beschaouch, A. Invide vide. La compétition publique entre les sodalités africo-romaines et son écho dans l'espace domestique. Pages 315-328 in M. Corbier & J.-P. Guilhembet (eds), L'écriture dans la maison romaine. Paris: De Boccard, 2011.
Bessac & Raboteau 2002 Bessac, J-C. & Raboteau, A. Archéologie expérimentale à propos des chapiteaux «nabatéens» du temple d'Aphrodite à Amathonte (Chypre). Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 126, 2002: 415-430.
Best & Woudhuizen 1988 Best, Jan, Woudhuizen, Fred Ancient scripts from Crete and Cyprus. Publications of the Henri Frankfort foundation ; 9. VII-131 p. :. Leiden ; E. J. Brill, 1988.,
Best & Woudhuizen Best, Jean., Woudhuizen, Fred (eds.) Lost langues from the mediterranean. Publications of Henri Frankfort foundation ; 10. 179 p. :. New York : Brill, 1989.,
Betlyon 2014 Betlyon, J.W. Northwest Semitic Scripts on Coins. Pages 352-362 in J.A. Hackett & W.E. Aufrecht (eds), "An Eye for Form". Epigraphic Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbraus, 2014.
Betts, Eames, Hulka, Schroder, Rust, McLaren 1996 Betts, A., Eames, S., Hulka, S., Schroder, M., Rust, J., McLaren, B. Studies of Bronze Age Occupation in the Wadi al-ʿAjib, Southern Hauran. Levant 28, 1996: 27-39.
Betts, Eames, Schroder, Husan 1995 Betts, A., Eames, S., Schroder, M., Husan, A. al- Archaeological Survey of the Wādī al-ʿĀjib, al-Mafraq. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 39, 1995: 149-168.
Betts 1989 Betts, A. The Solubba: Nonpastoral Nomads in Arabia. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 274, 1989: 61-69.
Betts 1983 Betts, A.V.G. Black Desert Survey, Jordan: First Preliminary Report. Levant 15, 1983: 1-10, pl. 1-2a.
Betts, Colledge, Martin, McCartney, Wright K & Yagodin 1998 Betts, A.V.G., Colledge, S., Martin, L., McCartney, C., Wright, K. & Yagodin, V. The Harra and the Hamad. Excavations and Explorations in Eastern Jordan. with contributions by L. Cooke, A.N. Garrard. J. Hather, C. McClintock, W. Lancaster and D.S. Reese. 1. (Sheffield Archaeological Monongraphs, 9). Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.
Betts 1991 Betts, A.V.G. (ed.) Excavations at Jawa 1972-1986. Stratigraphy, Pottery and Other Finds. S.W. Helms and A. Betts, R. Unger-Hamilton, N. Vaillant. (Excavations and Explorations in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1991.
Betts 1992 Betts, A.V.G. (ed.) Excavations at Tell Um Hammad. The Early Assemblages (EB I-II). (Excavations and Explorations in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1992.
Betts 2001 Betts, A.V.G. Graffiti from Qusayr ʿAmra: A note on dating of Arabian rock carvings. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 12, 2001: 96-102.
Betts, Helms, Lancaster W & Lancaster F Betts, A.V.G., Helms, S., Lancaster, W. & Lancaster F. The Burquʿ/Ruweishid Project: Preliminary Report on the 1989 Field Season. Levant 23, 1991: 7-28.