Reference Results
Displaying citations 2089 - 2112 of 14522 in total
Serjeant & Lewcock 1983 | Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. The Church (al-Qalīs) of Ṣanʿāʾ and Ghumdān Castle. Pages 44-48 in Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. (eds), Ṣanʿāʾ. An Arabian Islamic City. Reprinted in 2013 by Melisende, London. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983. | |
Serjeant & Lewcock 1983 | Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. Ṣanʿāʾ An Arabian Islamic City. Reprinted in 2013 by Melisende, London. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983. | |
Serjeant & Lewcock 1983 | Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. Ṣanʿāʾ, an Arabian Islamic City. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983. | |
Serjeant, King & Al-Akwaʿ 1983 | Serjeant, R.B., King, D.A. & Al-Akwaʿ, I. Calendars, the Time of Day and Mathematical Astronomy. Pages 32-35 in Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. (eds), Ṣanʿāʾ. An Arabian Islamic City. Repreinted in 2013 by Melisende, London. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983. | |
Serjeant & Ghul MA 1974 | Serjeant, R.B. & Ghul, M.A. Arabia, History of. Pages 1043-1051Encyclopaedia Britannica, Macropaedia. 1. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1974 (15th. edition). | |
Serjeant & Al-Akwaʿ 1983 | Serjeant, R.B. & Al-Akwaʿ, I. (2) Additional Documents. Pages 233-240 in Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. (eds), Ṣanʿāʾ. An Arabian Islamic City. Reprinted in 2013 by Melisende, London. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983. | |
Serjeant & Al-Akwaʿ 1983 | Serjeant, R.B. & Al-Akwaʿ, I. (1) The Statute of Ṣanʿāʾ (Qānūn Ṣanʿāʾ). Pages 179-232 in Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. (eds), Ṣanʿāʾ An Arabian Islamic City. Reprinted in 2013 by Melisende, London. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983. | |
Serjeant 1996 | Serjeant, R.B. in G.R. Smith (ed.), Society and Trade in South Arabia. (Collected Studies Series, 552). Aldershot: Variorum, 1996. | |
Serjeant 1995 | Serjeant, R.B. in G.R. Smith (ed.), Farmers and Fishermen in Arabia: Studies in Customary Law and Practice. . (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS 494). Aldershot: Ashgate, 1995. | |
Serjeant 1993 | Serjeant, R.B. [Review of Costa 1991 (Musandam)]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 3rd. series, 3, 1993: 115-117. | |
Serjeant 1993 | Serjeant, R.B. Yemenis in mediaeval Quanzhou (Canton). New Arabian Studies 1, 1993: 231-234. | |
Serjeant 1993 | Serjeant, R.B. Zinā, some Forms of Marriage and allied Topics in Western Arabia. Pages 145-159 in A. Gingrich, S. Haas, G. Paleczek, T. Fillitz, J. Heiss (eds.), Studies in Oriental Culture and History. Festschrift for Walter Dostal. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1993. | |
Serjeant 1991 | Serjeant, R.B. Tihāmah Notes. Pages 45-60 in Arabicus Felix: Luminosus Britannicus. *Essays in Honour of A.F.L. , Arabicus Felix: Luminosus Britannicus. Essays in Honour of A.F.L. Beeston on his Eightieth Birthday. (Oxford Oriental Institute Monographs, 11). Reading: Ithaca, 1991. | |
Serjeant 1990 | Serjeant, R.B. Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam: Misconceptions and Flawed Polemics [Review article of Crone 1987 (Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam)]. Journal of the American Oriental Society 110, 1990: 472-486. | |
Serjeant 1989 | Serjeant, R.B. Yāfiʿ, Zaydīs, Āl Bū Bakr b. Sālim and others: Tribes and Sayyids. Pages 83-105 in U. Ehrensvärd and C Toll (eds.), On Both Sides of al-Mandab. Ethiopian, South-Arabic and Islamic Studies presented to OSCAR LÖFGREN on his ninetieth birthday 13 May 1988 by colleagues and friends. (Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul Transactions, 2). Stockholm: Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul, 1989. | |
Serjeant 1988 | Serjeant, R.B. A Socotran star calendar. Pages 94-100 in A.K. Irvince, R.B. Serjeant & G.R. Smith (eds), A Miscellany of Middle Eastern Articles: In Memoriam Thomas Muir Johnstone. Reprinted as IV in Serjeant, R.B., Farmers and Fishermen in Arabia: Studies in Customary Law and Practice, edited by G.R. Smith, (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS 494). Aldershot: Ashgate, 1995. Harlow: Longman, 1988. | |
Serjeant 1987 | Serjeant, R.B. Famine death without loss of honour in ancient Arabia and Yemeni Arḥab. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 50, 1987: 527-528. | |
Serjeant 1987 | Serjeant, R.B. The Ḍaʿīf and the Mustaḍʿaf and the Status Accorded them in the Qurʾān. Hamdard Islamicus 10, 1987 | |
Serjeant 1986 | Serjeant, R.B. {Review of} N. Groom, A dictionary of Arabic topography and placenames: transliterated Arabic-English with an Arabic glossary of topographical words and placenames (London: Longmans / Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1983). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 49, 1986: 215-216. | |
Serjeant 1983 | Serjeant, R.B. The Mosques of Ṣanʿāʾ: the Yemeni Islamic Setting. Pages 310-322 in Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. (eds), Ṣanʿāʾ. An Arabian Islamic City. Reprinted in 2013 by Melisende, London. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983. | |
Serjeant 1983 | Serjeant, R.B. Ṣanʿāʾ the 'Protected', Hijrah. Pages 39-43 in Serjeant, R.B. & Lewcock, R. (eds), Ṣanʿāʾ An Arabian Islamic City. Reprinted in 2013 by Melisende, London. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1983. | |
Serjeant 1982 | Serjeant, R.B. Ḥaḍramawt to Zanzibar: The Pilot-Poem of the Nākhudhā Saʿīd Bā Ṭāyiʿ of al Ḥāmī. Paideuma 28, 1982: 109-127. | |
Serjeant 1981 | Serjeant, R.B. Studies in Arabian history and civilisation. London : Variorum Reprints, , | |
Serjeant 1981 | Serjeant, R.B. {Review of} J.R.L. Carter, Leading merchant families of Saudi Arabia. (London: Scorpion, 1979). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 44, 1981: 370. |