Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 2065 - 2088 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum AH 215

AH 215

---- f rḍ -h– my/w ʾ– ḫrt -hm– y/w s¹m---- h- ṣlm ms¹lm
inscription of siglum AH 216

AH 216

---- ymn ---- h- ẓll/l- ḏġbt ---- hlw/trkt/ʾ---- bnt/s²gʿh/f rḍ---- w ʾ– ḫrt -hm/s¹nt ---- ----
inscription of siglum AH 217

AH 217 /D 164

wʾl/w s²nʾh ---- ʾktb/w ʾm -h ---- bd/ḥggw/h---- l- ḫrg/ymn ---- b- h- mṣd/f rḍ---- m/w hʾ/h ---- ḏġbt/---- m/ʾqd ---- ----
inscription of siglum AH 218

AH 218

s²hdn/lgḏ---- l- -h/ʾmrʾl ---- ddn/hnʾktb ---- ----qs¹mw/gbl/ddn ---- n/ʾly-/ʾbt/d---- h- brṯ/---- ṯ ---- nmft ---- d/f ṣdq/hʾ---- ----
inscription of siglum AH 219

AH 219

----d/bn/z---- nyq ---- ----bt/ḥgt/h- mṣd/f rḍ -h/w s¹– ʿd -h/b- rʾy/hrf/s¹nt/ḫms¹/ntn
inscription of siglum AH 220

AH 220

----wdb---- bn/zd---- ḏġbt ----ṣ---- t/b---- rt -hm ----d -hm/tl m----r----/bn/rym/h- s¹fr/w dḥlh/h- ṣnʿ/b
inscription of siglum AH 221

AH 221 /D 165

---- ---- ḏ mnʿn/ʿ----h ---- ʾl/ḏ yfʿn/w ----rb/ḥggw/w ----r/w ʾġnmw/l ---- tn/ʾrbʿ/ʾ ---- h- nq/b- h- mṣ– d ----d/ḏ ʾs¹lʿn ----ẓlw/h- ẓll ----w/tr----ʿl ----ʾl/bn/ʿll ---- w s¹ʿd -hm/w ----/hnʾs¹/mlk
inscription of siglum AH 222

AH 222

---- ḏ ʾlhrbt ʾdq---- s¹---- l- ḏġbt ʾmt -hmy ʿyḏh bnt ʾmthnʿṯt ---- h----t ym ʾqd h- m---- l- ḫrg s¹nt s¹t hnʾs¹ mlk lḥyn f ʿ– rr ḏġbt ʿrr h- s¹fr
inscription of siglum AH 223

AH 223

---- llbhm ---- bt/f rḍy---- h/s¹nt/ʾrbʿ---- b- ʾʿh/ḏ---- nʾ----ml---- n/ʾf----
inscription of siglum AH 224

AH 224 /TMLT no. 1

----dlh/bn ----l/hn/ḥg ----lh/bnm/bnt ---- ḏġbt/b- h- mṣd/f ----ʾḫrt -h/s¹nt/ʾ– rbʿn w ʾrbʿ/44/b- rʾy---- ----/hnʾs¹/----
inscription of siglum AH 225

AH 225

---- ----n---- ----ks¹---- ----/w ʾḫ---- ---- ṯlṯn w ʾrbʿ 34 ---- ---- hnʾs¹/mlk/lḥyn---- ----mṣd hẓll---- ---- ẓll/h- nq ---- ---- ʾrbʿn w ḫms¹ 45 ----
inscription of siglum AH 226

AH 226 /TMLT no. 2

---- ---- ḏ ndm/ḥg– w ---- b- h- mṣd/ḥgt/---- ---- b- tḥfy/ʾqd ---- w ʾḫrt -hm/w s¹– ---- nt ʿs²rn/w ʾrbʿ/24 ---- tlymy/bn/hnʾs¹/mlk ---- lḥyn
inscription of siglum AH 227

AH 227

---- s²ʿt/zds²bʿn/---- ---- ḥgg ---- b -h ----
inscription of siglum AH 228

AH 228

ʾrs²/bn ---- h- nq/l- ḏġbt ---- ----
inscription of siglum AH 229

AH 229

---- mrʾktb ---- ----m/ḏġybt ---- ----ḥrʿ/bhm ---- ----bt/f rḍy---- ---- s¹ʿd -h ----
inscription of siglum AH 230

AH 230

---- bt/l- ḏġbt ---- ---- ʿrr/ḏġbt ---- ----
inscription of siglum AH 231

AH 231

----mr/w b---- ---- w ḥbn---- ---- kgkg/---- ---- ḥggw ---- ----
inscription of siglum AH 232

AH 232

----ḏ/gḏmh ---- ----/hs²ll/w ---- ---- b ---- ----
inscription of siglum AH 233

AH 233

---- ---- s²nʾ---- ---- dṯʾ/w ʿ---- ʿn/ḥggw/ḏ---- krṯ----/ʿl- -hm/---- f rḍ -hm/w ʾḫrt -hm ---- ʾy/h- n----/s²hr b---- w ʿbdʾs¹/b---- ----w wdʿ/b---- ----
inscription of siglum AH 234

AH 234

---- ---- bn -hm/ṯbʾl/w ---- -----d/w bnwd/bny/l---- ----/h- nq/l- ḏġbt/---- ---- b- bt -hm/w ʾ---- ----
inscription of siglum AH 235

AH 235

----ʾktb/w mrʾ/---- ----- ʾs¹/ms¹d/fʿl---- ----t/w ʾẓlw/h- ẓll---- ---- l- ḏġbt/f rḍy -hm ---- ---- w s¹ʿd -hm/w ʾḫrt -hm ----hrm s¹nt ʿs²r w ʾ----d ----
inscription of siglum AH 236

AH 236

----nh/ʾl ---- bnwd ---- h- nq/w h- ġn ----hm/w ʾẓl ---- h- mṣd/----ġ ---- ʾḫrt -h ---- s¹ʿd ----w---- ----bn/b----ʾb/ml ----ḥ/b----tm/ḏ ʿbḍḍ ---- ʿrr/ḏġbt/ʿrr/h- s¹fr/ḏh
inscription of siglum AH 237

AH 237

ʾs¹/bn/zdmn---- t/mrrh ḏh ẓl---- ʿl -h/ʾs¹lḏ---- rt -h ---tʾ----
inscription of siglum AH 238

AH 238

ʾs¹ḏġbt/bn ʾs¹d/b----mn----s¹---- ----br/w ----k----