Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 2089 - 2112 of 38615 in total
inscription of siglum LP 143

LP 143

l tm bn ḫṭs¹t h- qnt
inscription of siglum AWS 94

AWS 94

l ʿyt bn dd w tẓr mny
inscription of siglum LP 144

LP 144

l ʾnʿm
inscription of siglum LP 145

LP 145

l lḏ bn ʾs²mt bn ʿyḏ
inscription of siglum LP 146

LP 146

l flṭt bn tm bn flṭt bn bhs² w ḥll h- dr f rʿy h- ʾbl f h lt w bʿls¹mn s²yʿ h- gs² h- rdf f nqḏ
inscription of siglum AWS 73

AWS 73

l s¹mr bn ḫbṯt bn ḥzn bn hws¹r w h rḍw rwḥ mn h- ḍf w ʿwr m yʿwrn -h
inscription of siglum AWS 74

AWS 74

l ḫḏy bn wkyt h- dmyt
inscription of siglum AWS 75

AWS 75

l ʿmrt bn ʿm bn ʿmrt bn lʿṯmn w ḫrṣ h- s¹nt f h bʿls¹mn rwḥ
inscription of siglum AWS 76

AWS 76

l ʿmrt bn s¹wd bn ʿmrt bn lʿṯmn w rgʿ m mdbr l- nmrt f h lt s¹lm m bʾs¹
inscription of siglum AWS 77

AWS 77

l ʿm bn ʿmrt bn ʿm bn lʿṯmn
inscription of siglum AWS 78

AWS 78

l ʿmrt bn s¹wd bn ʿmrt bn lʿṯmn
inscription of siglum AWS 79

AWS 79

l s¹wd bn ʿmrt bn ʿm bn ʿmrt bn lʿṯmn
inscription of siglum LP 147

LP 147

l btmh bn ʿṣd
inscription of siglum Al-Namārah.H 184

Al-Namārah.H 184

l ḫṭs¹t bn flṭt bn bhs² h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum LP 148

LP 148

l ʾnʿm bn flṭt bn tm bn flṭt bn bhs²
inscription of siglum LP 149

LP 149

l qdm bn flṭt bn tm bn flṭt bn bhs²
inscription of siglum LP 150

LP 150

l grmʾl bn qḥs² bn s¹ʿd w wgd ʾs¹fr ʾs¹wd w ʾb -h f ngʿ
inscription of siglum AWS 80

AWS 80

l ẓnn bn ʿmrt bn ʿm bn ʿmrt bn lʿṯmn
inscription of siglum AWS 81

AWS 81

l tʾm bn ʿtl bn tʾm w wgm ʿl- ʾb -h w ʿl- ʾḫyt s¹nt nmr
inscription of siglum AWS 82

AWS 82

l s¹ʿd bn wdd bn s¹ʿd bn wdd bn ʿṭf w ngʿ ʿl- bny -h w wrd h- nḫl b rʾy ʿqbt
inscription of siglum AWS 83

AWS 83

l ʾḫ bn ḥnn bn s¹ʿd bn ḥnnʾl bn ns²gʾl bn ʾʾmr bn nẓmʾl bn ṭys²t bn ʿtq bn bdn bn ʿrbṣn bn ẓnn bn ḥrm bn ʿwḏ bn whbʾl w rġm mny ʿl- gs² -h mt w ṯkl f wny w ḫrṣ h- s¹nt f h bʿls¹mn rwḥ b- mṭr
inscription of siglum AWS 84

AWS 84

l s²ʿ bn ʾdm bn ʾḥrb bn ms¹k
inscription of siglum AWS 85

AWS 85

l s²hm bn ʿmrt bn ʿm bn ʿmrt bn lʿṯmn bn whbʾl bn nġbr w ḫrṣ f h bʿls¹mn rwḥ w s¹lm w nqʾt b- wdd l- ḏ yʿwr h- s¹fr
inscription of siglum AWS 86

AWS 86

l rʾt bn bʾs¹h bn bqrt h- bkrt