Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 1993 - 2016 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum AH 120

AH 120 /Sima 1999: 45

ʿbd/bn rmh/s¹l– ḥ/ḏġb– t/ʾẓll/b– ʿd/ml/kn/l- -h/b- bdr/l- ḏġbt f rḍ -hmy
inscription of siglum AH 121

AH 121

inscription of siglum AH 122

AH 122

zdʾl zdḏ----
inscription of siglum AH 124

AH 124

inscription of siglum AH 125

AH 125

nfl<<>>t/bn mʿd s¹bnh ----l ʾẓll/h- ẓll ʿl- m- kn/l- -h/l- ḏġbt b- bdr/f rḍ -h/w ʾṯb -h
inscription of siglum AH 125.1

AH 125.1

ḥyw/ ʿyḏ
inscription of siglum AH 127

AH 127

inscription of siglum AH 131

AH 131

inscription of siglum AH 132

AH 132

ʿbd wtr
inscription of siglum AH 133

AH 133

inscription of siglum AH 134

AH 134 /Sima 1999: 45

llh/zʾgn rbm ʾ– gw/ḏʿmn
inscription of siglum AH 135

AH 135

ʿbd<>ṯmr hnʾlh/ʾgw ---- ʿbd----
inscription of siglum AH 136

AH 136

ʿbdḫrg/h- frs¹
inscription of siglum AH 137

AH 137

blns¹/h- frs¹
inscription of siglum AH 137.1

AH 137.1

fll/z---- gw/ḏ ʿmr– l
inscription of siglum AH 138

AH 138 /Sima 1999: 45–46

zkyh/s¹lḥ/ḏġbt ʾgw/ʾ- ẓll/l- ḏġb– t bʿd/ṯbrt -h/w s²ym -h f rḍ -h/w ʾṯb -h
inscription of siglum AH 140

AH 140 /Sima 1999: 46

ys¹lm/bn/ʿlʾm ʾgw/h- hb/b- khl bʿd/ml -h/b- ḏʿmn f rḍ -h/w ʾḫrt -h
inscription of siglum AH 141

AH 141 /Sima 1999: 46

gzʾ/bn/ʾbgl ʾẓll/l- ḏġbt bʿd/ml -h b- ṯqmm/w bn– ʾl/f rḍ -h/w s¹ʿd -h/w ʾṯb -h
inscription of siglum AH 142

AH 142 /Sima 1999: 46; U 080

ḏ/ʿbdlh/bn/wʾlh/ʾẓl– l/l- ḏġbt/b- khl/bʿd ḏ- l- -h/b- bdr/f rḍ -h w ---- h
inscription of siglum AH 146

AH 146

ṯmmh w ḥẓl w ʿbd
inscription of siglum AH 147

AH 147

inscription of siglum AH 147.1

AH 147.1

----l---- s¹lḥ ḏ– ġbt/ʾẓll h- ẓ– ll/l- ḏġbt ---- dṯʾ -h/---- s¹ʿd -h
inscription of siglum AH 148

AH 148

bnklbt ʿmrh ʿ zd ḥyw/zdlh
inscription of siglum AH 151

AH 151
