Reference Results
Displaying citations 4609 - 4632 of 14522 in total
Negev 1976 | Negev, A. The Nabataean Necropolis at Egra. Revue biblique 83, 1976: 203-236. | |
Negev 1976 | Negev, A. The Early Beginnings of the Nabataean Realm. Palestine Exploration Quarterly @, 1976: 125-133. | |
Negev 1975 | Negev, A. Inscriptions on Rock no. 5 in Wadi Haggag, Sinaï. Eretz Israel 12, 1975: 132-141, pl.@. | |
Negev 1972 | Negev, A. [Review of Winnett and Reed 1970 (ARNA)]. Israel Exploration Journal 22, 1972: 58-60. | |
Negev 1971 | Negev, A. A Nabatean Epitaph from Trans-Jordan. Israel Exploration Journal 21, 1971: 50-52, pl. 4. | |
Negev 1971 | Negev, A. [Review of Stark JF 1971 (SPNP)]. Israel Exploration Journal 21, 1971: 247. | |
Negev 1971 | Negev, A. The Nabatean Necropolis of Mampsis (Kurnub). Israel Exploration Journal 21, 1971: 110-129. | |
Negev 1971 | Negev, A. New Graffiti from Sinai. Eretz Israel 10, 1971: 180-187, pl. 59-65. | |
Negev 1969 | Negev, A. The Chronology of the Middle Nabataean Period. Palestine Exploration Quarterly @, 1969 | |
Negev 1967 | Negev, A. New Dated Nabataean Graffiti from the Sinai. Israel Exploration Journal 17, 1967: 250-255, pl. 48. | |
Negev 1967 | Negev, A. Oboda, Mampsis and Provincia Arabia. Israel Exploration Journal 17, 1967: 46-55. | |
Negev 1966 | Negev, A. The Date of the Petra-Gaza Road. Palestine Exploration Quarterly @, 1966: 89-98. | |
Negev 1963 | Negev, A. Nabatean Inscriptions from ʿAvdat (Oboda). Israel Exploration Journal 13, 1963: 113-124, pl. 17-18. | |
Negev 1961 | Negev, A. Nabataean Inscriptions from ʿAvdat (Oboda). Israel Exploration Journal 11, 1961: 127-238, pl. 28B-31C. | |
Nefedkin 2005 | Nefedkin, A.K. On Typical Tactics of Oriental Chariot Battle. Ancient History Bulletin 19/01/2002, 2005 | |
Neelis 2000 | Neelis, J. Kharoṣṭhī and Brāhmī Inscriptions from Hunza- Haldeikish Sources for the Study of Long-Distance Trade and Transmission of Buddhism. Pages 903-923 in M. Taddei * G. De Marco (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1997. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held in the Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, 7-14 July 1997. 2. (Serie Orientale Roma, 90/2). Roma: Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, 2000. | |
Neelis 1997 | Neelis, J. [Review of Fussman & König 1997 (FFS)]. Bulletin of the Asia Institute [NS] 11, 1997: 218-224. | |
Nebes & Stein P 2004 | Nebes, N. & Stein, P. Ancient South Arabian. Pages 454-487 in R.D. Woodard (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. | |
Nebe & Sima 2004 | Nebe, G.W. & Sima, A. Die aramäisch / hebräisch-sabäische Grabinschrift der Lea. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 15, 2004: 76-83. | |
Nebes 2018 | Nebes, N. Der rituelle Umzug des Yadaʿʾil Ḏarīḥ nach Ṣirwāḥ. Pages 461–478 in L. Nehmé & A.Al-Jallad (eds), To the Madbar and back again. Studies in the languages, archaeology, and cultures of Arabia dedicated to Michael C. A. Macdonald. (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 92). Leiden: Brill, 2018. | |
Nebes 2015 | Nebes, N. Die Inschriften des Šayyāṭum von Ǧabal Balaq al-qiblī und aus dem Wādī al-Ǧufayna in der Oase von Mārib. Pages 95-107 in I. Gerlach (ed.), South Arabia and its Neighbours. Phenomena of Intercultural Contacts. 14. Rencontres Sabéennes. (Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 14). Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2015. | |
Nebes 2012 | Nebes, N. Südarabien. Pages 243-248 in Streck, M.P. (ed.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Band 13. Berlin: De Gruyter:, 2012. | |
Nebes 2011 | Nebes, N. An Inscription in Ancient Sabaic on a Bronze Kettle from Färäs May, Tigray. ITYOP̣IS 1, 2011: 159-166. | |
Nebes 2011 | Nebes, N. An Inscription in Ancient Sabaic on a Bronze Kettle from Färäs May, Tigray. ITYOPIS 1, 2011: 159-166. |