Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 4705 - 4728 of 14487 in total
Frame 1995 Frame, G. Rulers of Babylonia From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC). Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Babylonian Periods / Volume 2. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995.
Francfort 1999 Francfort, H-P. The Central Asian Petroglyphs Project. Circle of Inner Asian Art (SOAS). Bulletin 9, 1999
Fränkel 1890 Fränkel, S. Miscellen. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 4, 1890: 332-341.
Franken 1965 Franken, H.J. A Note on How the DeirʿAlla Tablets were Written. Vetus Testamentum 15, 1965: 150-152.
Franken 1965 Franken, H.J. A Reply to A. Van den Branden 1965: Comment lire les textes de DeirʿAlla?. Vetus Testamentum 15, 1965: 535-536.
Franken 1964 Franken, H.J. Clay Tablets from DeirʿAlla, Jordan. Vetus Testamentum 14, 1964: 377-379.
Franken 1963 Franken, H. J., Franken-Battershill, C. A. A Primer of Old Testament archaeology. xiv-179 p.-xxiv pl.-[4] cartes :. Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1963.,
Franke-Vogt 1996 Franke-Vogt, U. German Mission to Julfar and Sheba's Palace (Ras al-Khaimah, UAE). Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 26, 1996: 165-166.
Frank 1934 Frank, F. Aus der ʿAraba. I. Reiseberichte. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 57, 1934: 191-280.
Frankfort 1951 Frankfort, Henri The Birth of civilization in the Near East. Norgate, 1951.. London : Williams,
Franklin 1991 Franklin, J.L. Literacy and the parietal inscriptions of Pompeii. Pages 77-98 in J.H. Humphrey (ed.), Literacy in the Roman World. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 3). Ann Arbor, MI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1991.
Frankl 1993 Frankl, P.J.L. Lieutenant Jopp's Report on a Visit to Hufūf, 1257/1841. New Arabian Studies 1, 1993: 215-227.
Frankl 1993 Frankl, P.J.L. [Review of Facey 1992 (FROG)]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 3rd series, 3, 1993: 446-447.
Frantsouzoff *S. Frantsouzoff 1998 [Review of: Ḥimyarī / Persennius 1997]. Manuscripta Orientalia 04/04/2012, 1998: 67-70.
Frantsouzoff 2004 Frantsouzoff, S.A. A Gezerah-decree from Ancient South Arabia. Tema. Journal of Judeo-Yemenite Studies 8, 2004: 33-43.
Frantsouzoff 1996 Frantsouzoff, S.A. A Gezērah-Decree from Ancient Southern Arabia (a new approach to the interpretation of MAFRAY-Ḥaṣī 1). ARAM 8, 1996: 299-306.
Frantsouzoff 2006 Frantsouzoff, S.A. A Minaic inscription on the pedestal of an ibex figurine from the British Museum. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 36, 2006: 69-77.
Frantsouzoff 1999-2000 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Antioch in South Arabian Tradition (Remarks on some Commentaries to the Qurʾānic Verses 21:11-15 & 36:13/12/-14/13). ARAM 11 & 12, 1999-2000: 399-407.
Frantsouzoff 1998 Frantsouzoff, S.A. A parallel to the Second Commandment in the inscription of Raybūn. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 28, 1998: 61-67.
Frantsouzoff Frantsouzoff, S.A. A Parallel to the Second Commandment in the Inscriptions of Raybūn. ARAM
Frantsouzoff 2003 Frantsouzoff, S.A. En marge des inscriptions de Raybūn. Remarques sur la grammaire, le lexique et le formulaire de la langue ḥaḍramoutique épigraphique. Arabia 1, 2003: 39-58, pls 6-8 (on pp. 211-213).
Frantsouzoff 2001 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Epigraphic evidence for the cult of the god Sīn at Raybūn and Shabwa. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 31, 2001: 59-67.
Frantsouzoff 1999 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Hadramitic documents written on palm-leaf stalks. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 29, 1999: 55-65.
Frantsouzoff 2001 Frantsouzoff, S. A. Le "tailleur de pierre" (grby-n/-hn) dans les inscriptions sudarabiques. Raydān 7, 2001: 125-143.