Reference Results
Displaying citations 4657 - 4680 of 14522 in total
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NBR | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 on the right bank of Namārah basin and published here. | |
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Naveh & Shaked 2003 | Naveh, J. & Shaked, S. A ‘Knot’ and a ‘Break’: Terms for a Receipt in Antiquity. Israel Exploration Journal 53, 2003: 111-118. | |
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Naveh 2009 | Naveh, J. Studies in West-Semitic Epigraphy. Selected Papers. Jerusalem: Magnes, 2009. | |
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Naveh 1992 | Naveh, Joseph On sherd and papyrus: Aramaic and Hebrew inscriptions from the second temple Mishnaic and Talmudic periods . 293 p. ;. Jerusalem : Magnes press, , | |
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