Reference Results

Displaying citations 12865 - 12888 of 14519 in total
Beeston 1969 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A. Grohmann, Arabische Paläographie. Teil I. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Denkschriften 94. Bd., 1. Abh. Graz: Böhlaus, 1967). Bibliotheca Orientalis 26, 1969: 249-250.
Beeston 1969 Beeston, A.F.L. A Sabaean Trader's Misfortunes. Journal of Semitic Studies 14, 1969: 227-230.
Beeston 1969 Beeston, A.F.L. Arabic Historical Phraseology. Supplement to Written Arabic An Approach to the Basic Structures . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969.
Beeston 1968 Beeston, A.F.L. Written Arabic. An approach to the basic structures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968.
Beeston 1968 Beeston, A.F.L. The “Men of the Tanglewood” in the Qurʾan. Journal of Semitic Studies 13, 1968: 253-255.
Beeston 1967 Beeston, A.F.L. Addenda [to A.K. Irvine, Homicide in pre-Islamic South Arabia]. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 30, 1967: 291-292.
Beeston 1966 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} G. Krahl, Deutsch-arabisches Wörterbuch. (Leipzig: VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, 1964). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 29, 1966: 446.
Beeston 1966 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} R.L. Cleveland, An Ancient South Arabian Necropolis: Objects from the Second Campaign (1951) in the Timnaʿ Cemetery. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1965). Journal of Semitic Studies 11, 1966: 270-271.
Beeston 1965 Beeston, A.F.L. al-Fīl. Pages 895The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. 2. Leiden: Brill, 1965.
Beeston 1965 Beeston, A.F.L. Items of Arabic Lexicography. Pages 103-107 in G. Makdisi (ed.) , Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of Hamilton A.R. Gibb. Leiden: Brill, 1965.
Beeston 1964 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} Th. Nöldeke, Zur Grammatik des classischen Arabisch. Im Anhang: die handschriftlichen Ergänzungen in dem Handexemplar Theodor Nöldekes bearbeitet und mit Zusätzen versehen von Anton Spitaler.( Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 196. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 27, 1964: 218.
Beeston 1964 Beeston, A.F.L. The Graffiti. Pages 51-57, pl. 52-53 in G.L. Harding, Archaeology in the Aden Protectorates. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1964.
Beeston 1964 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} J.D. Pearson (comp), Index Islamicus supplement 1956-1960: a catalogue of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications. Cambridge: Heffer, 1962). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 27, 1964: 218-219.
Beeston 1964 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A.J. Arberry (ed.), The Chester Beatty Library: a catalogue of the Persian manuscripts and miniatures. Vol. III. MSS. 221-398. By A.J. Arberry, B.W. Robinson, the late E. Blochet, and the late J.V.S. Wilkinson. (Dublin: Hodges Figgis, 1962). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 27, 1964: 227.
Beeston 1964 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A. Grohmann, Arabic Inscriptions. (Expédition Philby-Ryckmans-Lippens en Arabie, IIe Partie, Textes épigraphiques. Tome 1. Bibliothèque du Muséon 50. Louvain: Publications Universitaires: Institut Orientaliste, 1962). Bibliotheca Orientalis 21, 1964: 96-98.
Beeston 1963 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} J.A. Haywood and H.M. Nahmad, A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language. London: Lund Humphries,1962. Journal of Semitic Studies 8, 1963: 284-294.
Beeston 1963 Beeston, A.F.L. Baiḍāwī's Commentary on Sūrah 12 of the Qurʾān. Text, accompanied by an interpretative rendering and notes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963.
Beeston 1962 Beeston, A.F.L. A Descriptive Grammar of Epigraphic South Arabian . London : Luzac, 1962.
Beeston 1962 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A. Van den Branden, Histoire de Thamoud. (Publications de l'Université Libanaise, Section des Études Historiques 6. Beyrouth, 1960). Bibliotheca Orientalis 19, 1962: 172-175.
Beeston 1962 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} W. Reuschsel, Al-Ḫalīl ibn-Aḥmad, der Lehrer Sībawaihs, als Grammatiker. (Veröffentlichung. Institut für Orientforschung, Berlin 49. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1959). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 25, 1962: 343-347.
Beeston 1962 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A.J. Arberry (ed.), The Chester Beatty Library: a catalogue of the Persian manuscripts and miniatures. Vol. II. MSS. 151-220. By M. Minovi, B.W. Robinson, the late J.V.S. Wilkinson, and the late E. Blochet. (Dublin: Hodges Figgis, 1960). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 25, 1962: 414.
Beeston 1962 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} C. Rathjens, Sabaeica, II. Teil, Die unlokalisierten Funde. Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde in Hamburg 24. Hamburg, 1955). Oriens 15, 1962: 453-455.
Beeston 1962 Beeston, A.F.L. Epigraphic and Archaeological Gleanings from South Arabia. Oriens Antiquus 1, 1962: 41-52, pl.10.
Beeston 1962 Beeston, A.F.L. An Arabic Hermetic Manuscript. The Bodleian Library Record 07/01/2012, 1962: 11-23, pl. 1-3.