Reference Results

Displaying citations 12937 - 12960 of 14530 in total
Beeston 1953 Beeston, A.F.L. Remarks on the Ḥaḍrami Inscription Jamme 402. Orientalia 22, 1953: 416-417.
Beeston 1953 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} K.Y. Nami, Les Monuments de Maʿin, étude épigraphique et philologique. (Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1952). Bibliotheca Orientalis 10, 1953: 199-201.
Beeston 1952 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} M. Tawfik, Les Monuments de Maʿin. (Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1951). Bibliotheca Orientalis 9, 1952: 39-40.
Beeston 1952 Beeston, A.F.L. The Atkinson Lailâ Majnûn. The Bodleian Library Record 04/02/2012, 1952: 63-66, pl. 7-8.
Beeston 1952 Beeston, A.F.L. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography IV. Le Muséon 65, 1952: 139-147.
Beeston 1952 Beeston, A.F.L. The Marsh Manuscript of Apollonius's Conica. The Bodleian Library Record 04/02/2012, 1952: 76-77.
Beeston 1952 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} J. Ryckmans, Institution monarchique en Arabie méridionale avant l'Islam (Maʿin et Saba). (Bibliothèque du Muséon 28. Louvain: Éditions Universitaires,1951). Bibliotheca Orientalis 9, 1952: 214-216.
Beeston 1952 Beeston, A.F.L. The So-called Harlots of Ḥaḍramaut. Oriens 5, 1952: 16-22.
Beeston 1952 Beeston, A.F.L. Old South Arabian Antiquities. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1952: 20-23, pl. 2-4.
Beeston 1952 Beeston, A.F.L. Four Sabaean Texts in the Istanbul Archeological Museum. Le Muséon 65, 1952: 271-283, pl. 1-3.
Beeston 1951 Beeston, A.F.L. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography III. Le Muséon 64, 1951: 127-132.
Beeston 1951 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} G. Ryckmans (ed.), Répertoire d'épigraphie sémitique VII/3. (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1950). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1951: 196.
Beeston 1951 Beeston, A.F.L. A Sabaean Penal Law. Le Muséon 64, 1951: 305-315.
Beeston 1951 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A. Van den Branden, Les inscriptions thamoudéennes. (Bibliothèque du Muséon 25. Louvain: Bibliothèque du Muséon,1950). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1951: 195-196.
Beeston 1951 Beeston, A.F.L. Phonology of the Epigraphic South Arabian Unvoiced Sibilants. Transactions of the Philological Society 1-26, 1951
Beeston 1951 Beeston, A.F.L. Angels in Deuteronomy 33:2. Journal of Theological Studies 2, 1951: 30-31.
Beeston 1950 Beeston, A.F.L. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography II. Le Muséon 63, 1950: 261-268.
Beeston 1950 Beeston, A.F.L. Darwish Ashraf. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1950: 15-19.
Beeston 1950 Beeston, A.F.L. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography I. Le Muséon 63, 1950: 53-57.
Beeston 1949-1951 Beeston, A.F.L. Idrisi's Account of the British Isles. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 13, 1949-1951: 265-280.
Beeston 1949-1951 Beeston, A.F.L. A Sabaean Boundary Formula. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 13, 1949-1951
Beeston 1949 Beeston, A.F.L. The Oracle Sanctuary of Jār al-Labbā. Le Muséon 62, 1949: 207-228.
Beeston 1948 Beeston, A.F.L. East and West in Sabaean Inscriptions. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1948: 177-180.
Beeston 1948 Beeston, A.F.L. The Ritual Hunt: A study in Old South Arabian religious practice. Le Muséon 61, 1948: 183-196.