Reference Results
Displaying citations 12913 - 12936 of 14519 in total
Beeston 1956 | Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} W. Caskel, Entdeckungen in Arabien. (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Geisteswissenschaften 30. Köln-Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1954). Orientalia 25, 1956: 292-302. | |
Beeston 1956 | Beeston, A.F.L. Epigraphic South Arabian Calendars and Dating. London: Luzac, 1956. | |
Beeston 1955 | Beeston, A.F.L. The ‘Taʾlab Lord of Pastures’ Texts. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 17, 1955: 154-156. | |
Beeston 1954-1956 | Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} H. von Wissmann and M. Höfner, Beiträge zur historischen Geographie des vorislamischen Südarabien. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz. Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Klasse 1952, no. 4. Wiesbaden: St. Archiv für Orientforschung 17, 1954-1956: 161-166. | |
Beeston 1954 | Beeston, A.F.L. The Oriental Manuscript Collections of the Bodleian Library. The Bodleian Library Record 05/02/2012, 1954 | |
Beeston 1954 | Beeston, A.F.L. The “ʿAlī ibn Shāh” Preface to Kalīlah wa Dimnah. Oriens 7, 1954: 81-84. | |
Beeston 1954 | Beeston, A.F.L. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography VI. Le Muséon 67, 1954: 311-322. | |
Beeston 1954 | Beeston, A.F.L. Notes on the Mureighan Inscription. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 16, 1954: 389-392. | |
Beeston 1954 | Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A.Fakhry, An Archaeological Journey to Yemen. (Cairo: Government Press, 1952). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 16, 1954: 395-397. | |
Beeston 1954 | Beeston, A.F.L. Catalogue of the Persian, Turkish, Hindustani and Pushtu Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Part III Additional Persian Manuscripts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954. | |
Beeston 1954 | Beeston, A.F.L. A Safaitic Hunting Scene. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 16, 1954: 592. | |
Beeston 1954 | Beeston, A.F.L. Problems of Sabaean Chronology. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 16, 1954: 37-56. | |
Beeston 1953 | Beeston, A.F.L. The Earliest Donations of Chinese Books to the Bodleian. The Bodleian Library Record 04/06/2012, 1953: 304-313. | |
Beeston 1953 | Beeston, A.F.L. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography V. Le Muséon 66, 1953: 109-122. | |
Beeston 1953 | [Beeston, A.F.L.] Mughal Miniatures of the Earlier Periods. (Bodleian Picture Books, 9). [Published anonymously but identified as by AFLB in the obituary in the BLR 15/4, 1996: 231-233 (p. 232)].. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 1953. | |
Beeston 1953 | Beeston, A.F.L. An important Christian Arabic manuscript in Oxford. Orientalia Christiana Periodica 19, 1953: 197-205. | |
Beeston 1953 | Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A. Jamme, Pièces épigraphiques de Ḥeid bin ʿAqîl la nécropole de Timnaʿ (Hagr Koḥlân). (Bibliothèque du Muséon 30. Louvain: Publications Universitaires, 1952). Le Muséon 66, 1953: 174-179. | |
Beeston 1953 | Beeston, A.F.L. Remarks on the Ḥaḍrami Inscription Jamme 402. Orientalia 22, 1953: 416-417. | |
Beeston 1953 | Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} K.Y. Nami, Les Monuments de Maʿin, étude épigraphique et philologique. (Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1952). Bibliotheca Orientalis 10, 1953: 199-201. | |
Beeston 1952 | Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} M. Tawfik, Les Monuments de Maʿin. (Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1951). Bibliotheca Orientalis 9, 1952: 39-40. | |
Beeston 1952 | Beeston, A.F.L. The Atkinson Lailâ Majnûn. The Bodleian Library Record 04/02/2012, 1952: 63-66, pl. 7-8. | |
Beeston 1952 | Beeston, A.F.L. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography IV. Le Muséon 65, 1952: 139-147. | |
Beeston 1952 | Beeston, A.F.L. The Marsh Manuscript of Apollonius's Conica. The Bodleian Library Record 04/02/2012, 1952: 76-77. | |
Beeston 1952 | Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} J. Ryckmans, Institution monarchique en Arabie méridionale avant l'Islam (Maʿin et Saba). (Bibliothèque du Muséon 28. Louvain: Éditions Universitaires,1951). Bibliotheca Orientalis 9, 1952: 214-216. |