Reference Results

Displaying citations 12889 - 12912 of 14519 in total
Beeston 1962 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} Al-Hamdānī, Südarabisches Muštabih, Verzeichnis homonymer und homographer Eigennamen, aus dem Berliner Unikum des Iklīl herausg. von O. Löfgren. (Bibliotheca Ekmaniana 57. Uppsala, 1953); and Al-Hamdānī, Al-Iklīl, erstes Buch, in der Rezensio. Oriens 15, 1962: 444-445.
Beeston 1962 Beeston, A.F.L. Arabian Sibilants. Journal of Semitic Studies 7, 1962: 222-233.
Beeston 1961 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A.J. Arberry, Oriental Essays: Portraits of Seven Scholars. (London: Allen and Unwin, 1960). Journal of Semitic Studies 6, 1961: 142.
Beeston 1960 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} J.V.S. Wilkinson (ed.), The Chester Beatty Library: a catalogue of the Persian manuscripts and miniatures. Vol. I. MSS. 101-150. By A.J. Arberry, M. Minovi, and the late E. Blochet. (Dublin: Hodges Figgis, 1959). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 23, 1960: 401-402.
Beeston 1960 Beeston, A.F.L. Abraha. Pages 102-103The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. 1. Leiden: Brill, 1960.
Beeston 1960 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} J. Pirenne, La Grèce et Saba. Une nouvelle base pour la chronologie sud-arabe. Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 15. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale,1955). Bibliotheca Orientalis 17, 1960: 199.
Beeston 1959-1960 Beeston, A.F.L. Review of F.V. Winnett, Safaitic Inscriptions from Jordan. (Near and Middle East Series, 2). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1957. Archiv für Orientforschung 19, 1959-1960: 184-185.
Beeston 1959 Beeston, A.F.L. Two Middle Sabaean Votive Texts. Bibliotheca Orientalis 16, 1959: 17-18.
Beeston 1959 Beeston, A.F.L. A Decade of Progress at Oxford. British Bulletin Educational Supplement 25/04/1959, 1959: II.
Beeston 1959 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} J.D. Pearson (comp.), Index Islamicus, 1906-1955: a catalogue of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications. Cambridge: Heffer, [1958]). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 22, 1959: 585.
Beeston 1959 Beeston, A.F.L. The Mercantile Code of Qataban. (Qahtan: Studies in Old South Arabian Epigraphy, 1). London: Luzac, 1959.
Beeston 1959 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} D. Cowan, An introduction to modern literary Arabic. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 22, 1959: 147-149.
Beeston 1959 Beeston, A.F.L. A Decade of Progress at Oxford. British Bulletin Educational Supplement 11/04/1959, 1959: II.
Beeston 1959 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} W. Leslau, Ethiopic and South Arabic Contributions to the Hebrew Lexicon. (University of California Publications in Semitic Philology 20. Berkely,1958). Orientalia 28, 1959: 106-108.
Beeston 1959 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} J. Pirenne, Paléographie des inscriptions sud-arabes. Contributions à la chronologie et à l'histoire de l'Arabie du Sud antique. Tome 1: Des origines jusqu'à l'époque himyarite. (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetensch. Bibliotheca Orientalis 16, 1959: 76-79.
Beeston 1958 Beeston, A.F.L. Maḫṭūṭ ṭibbī farīd bi-Oksford. Revue de l'Institut des manuscrits arabes 4, 1958: 345-346.
Beeston 1958 Beeston, A.F.L. The Syntax of the Adjective in Old South Arabian: Remarks on Jamme's Theory. Journal of Semitic Studies 3, 1958: 142-145.
Beeston 1958 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} J. Ryckmans, La persécution des chrétiens himyarites au sixième siècle, d'après de récentes découvertes en Arabie centrale. (Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul 1. Leiden: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeolo. Bibliotheca Orientalis 15, 1958: 63-64.
Beeston 1958 Beeston, A.F.L. The Hebrew Verb špt. Vetus Testamentum 8, 1958: 216-217.
Beeston 1957 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review o} D.S. Rice, The Unique Ibn al-Bawwab Manuscript in the Chester Beatty Library. (Dublin: Emery Walker, 1955). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1957: 118.
Beeston 1957 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} A. Guillaume (transl.), The Life of Muhammad: A translation of Isḥāq's [sic] Sīrat Rasūl Allah [By Ibn Hishām]. (London: Oxford University Press,1955). Journal of Theological Studies 8, 1957: 218.
Beeston 1957 Beeston, A.F.L. The Position of Women in Pre-Islamic South Arabia. Pages 101-106 in Z.V. Togan (ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Congress of Orientalists, held in Istanbul September 15th to 22nd, 1951. 2. Leiden: Brill, 1957.
Beeston 1956 Beeston, A.F.L. {Review of} E. Ullendorff, The Semitic Languages of Ethiopia. (London: Taylor's Foreign Press, 1955). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1956: 100-101.
Beeston 1956 Beeston, A.F.L. An Ancient Druze Manuscript. The Bodleian Library Record 5, 1956: 286-290, pl. 17.