Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 31465 - 31488 of 38684 in total
inscription of siglum LP 712

LP 712

l tʾm bn s¹ʿd bn ḏr w wrd b- rʾy ḏl l- ys²rb
inscription of siglum RQ.D 2

RQ.D 2

l ʿmr bn ʿmrn bn ʿbṭ w ḥḍr h- dr
inscription of siglum RQ.A 2

RQ.A 2 /C 1240

l gmm bn ʾnʿm bn ʾḏnt bn ʾnʿm bn qdm w ṣyr m- mdbr s¹nt ḥgz -h bʿls¹mn ʿl- h- mdnt w wrd h- mqẓt bdr f h lt s¹lm w ʿwr w ʿrg l- ḏ yʿwr h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum RQ.A 4

RQ.A 4

l ʿbṯn bn bdbl bn ḥd ḏ- ʾl hḏr
inscription of siglum KRS 2116

KRS 2116

l tm bn fḥl bn tm
inscription of siglum KRS 2117

KRS 2117

l ʿbdt bn ʾs²b
inscription of siglum KRS 2118

KRS 2118

l ʿzl bn s¹h----
inscription of siglum KRS 2119

KRS 2119

l ʾs¹y bn mḥlt
inscription of siglum KRS 2120

KRS 2120

l ġrzt h- s¹trt
inscription of siglum RQ.A 5

RQ.A 5

l s¹ʿd bn gls¹ bn ṣʿd bn mḥlm bn ʾnʿm bn lʿṯmn w wgm ʿl- ʾb -h w ʿl- ʾ---- w ---- w ʿl- ʾḫt -h w ʿl- ---- w ʿl- ʾlṣqt---- ʿl- ʾnʿm w ʿl- ḥg ḥb -h w ʿl- ----rq---- s¹nt qbr w ʿl- ġfr w ʿḥmn s¹by s¹nt qbr w ʿl- ṣḥrt w ʿl- gb w ʿl- ---- w ʿl- ṣrf
inscription of siglum Stamp seal Erlenmeyer

Stamp seal Erlenmeyer / Garbini 1976: 169–170, B, Erlenmeyer & Erlenmeyer 1965: esp. 14–16

Dispersed Oasis North Arabian
inscription of siglum RQ.A 3

RQ.A 3 /C 1241

l wrd bn ʾs¹ bn ʿzhm bn ẓnn w wgm ʿl- gḥfl
inscription of siglum RQ.A 6

RQ.A 6

l drhn bn ʾmr----
inscription of siglum RQ.D 3

RQ.D 3

l ʿm bn ʿmrn bn ʿbṭ w wgm ʿl- ʾm -h qtlt s¹nt ʾrm
inscription of siglum RQ.A 7

RQ.A 7

l drhn bn ʾmr bn ḥmlt--------
inscription of siglum KRS 2121

KRS 2121

l ġzt
inscription of siglum KRS 2122

KRS 2122

l rġḍ bn mfny bn s²rk
inscription of siglum KRS 2123

KRS 2123

l ġṯ bn m---- ʿl- ḥbb ḍ----
inscription of siglum LP 713

LP 713

l ʿbd bn ʿlg bn ʾnʿm bn ʾs¹ bn ʾs²ym bn ʿbd bn ʾʾs¹d bn bwk bn ʿrs¹
inscription of siglum RQ.A 8

RQ.A 8

l ʾfṣy bn ʾlht bn ʿbd bn ḥnnʾl bn ʾlht w dṯʾ h- wrd b- s¹bṭ h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum Seal from the ex-Moore Collection

Seal from the ex-Moore Collection / Bron 1985: 340, Bron 1977: 239, Gelb, apud Eisen 1940: 83, no. 97, Eisen 1940: 54, no. 97

Dispersed Oasis North Arabian
inscription of siglum Seal in the Walters Art Gallery

Seal in the Walters Art Gallery / Garbini 1976: 170-172, Gordon 1939: 29-30, no. 96

Dispersed Oasis North Arabian
inscription of siglum Seal Munich

Seal Munich / Bron 1988: 440, Bron 1977: 237, Brandt 1968: 35, no. 118

Dispersed Oasis North Arabian
inscription of siglum RQ.A 9

RQ.A 9

l ʾnʿm bn mrʾ bn ġyrʾl bn s¹ʿd bn rṯʾl bn bhm bn nẓr bn gḏly w dṯʾ h- wrd w nṣb ʾlt dṯn f h gdʿwḏ s¹lm w l- -h h- ḫṭṭ