Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 24289 - 24312 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 915

KRS 915

l bḫlh b----
inscription of siglum KRS 915.1

KRS 915.1

inscription of siglum KRS 916

KRS 916

l ġwṯʾl bn ----
inscription of siglum KRS 917

KRS 917

l ṯlm bn gd
inscription of siglum KRS 918

KRS 918

l wḥd bn ḥg bn ʾs¹r
inscription of siglum KRS 919

KRS 919

l ʾs¹d bn ʿlqmt bn hrr bn ws¹mʾl
inscription of siglum KRS 920

KRS 920

l ṣḥb bnḫḫnn
inscription of siglum KRS 921

KRS 921

l yʿḏ
inscription of siglum KRS 922

KRS 922

l mnʿm bn s¹wdn bn nṣr bn ġrb bn s¹lm bn s¹fd w ḫrṣ ḏ ʿny b- ḥrn f s¹lm h lt w rwḥ l- wḥd h yṯʿ
inscription of siglum KRS 923

KRS 923

l qfl bn mṣ
inscription of siglum KRS 924

KRS 924

l ʾtm bn ymlk
inscription of siglum KRS 925

KRS 925

l wʾl bn bdd w wgd s¹fr ʾs²yʿ -h
inscription of siglum KRS 926

KRS 926

l ʿdy bn ʿnhm w s¹wq mdbrt w wgd ʾṯr mlk f wlh
inscription of siglum KRS 927

KRS 927

l ʾwd bn ʿbd bn d----y----
inscription of siglum KRS 928

KRS 928

l ʾwd b----
inscription of siglum KRS 929

KRS 929

l ʾnʿm bn hnʾ w ʾḫḏ w nṣb f h ds²r s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 930

KRS 930

l ḍr bn ʿḍl bn s¹ry w h yṯʿ flṭ m- bʾs¹
inscription of siglum KRS 931

KRS 931

l kʿmh bn ġṯ w wgd s¹fr ḥbb f wgm
inscription of siglum KRS 932

KRS 932

l ʿḍl bn s¹ry bn s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 933

KRS 933

l ----ʿht bn dd w wgm ʿl- ḫl -h w ʿl- ʾḫ -h w wgd s¹fr ḥbb f ġḍb ʿl- ʾb -h w dd -h
inscription of siglum KRS 934

KRS 934

l bs¹ʾ bn nkf w fqr f h rḍy rwḥ
inscription of siglum KRS 935

KRS 935

----m bn ----
inscription of siglum KRS 936

KRS 936

l nʿrt bn ḫdmt bn t----m----ḥb bn ṣryn w nʿm f wny f h lt w ʾṯʿ fṣyt l- ḏ s¹ʾr w nqmt m- hnk----
inscription of siglum KRS 937

KRS 937

l ʾs¹ḫr bn mrʾ bn ʾs¹ḫr bn s²ḥtr